Speakout, Advanced, Vocabular extra, With key, 2016.
Фрагмент из книги.
Match the underlined phrases with their meanings a)–n).
1 I have one of those apps that keeps track of the distances and speeds I run.
2 You’re doing really well. Keep up the good work!
3 I’m trying to keep my weight down by not eating bread.
4 Giorgio keeps a low profile in meetings to stop himself from saying anything silly.

Idioms for people.
Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 You never know what Danny’s going to say next. He’s a real loose gun!
2 All he does is sit and watch TV. He’s such an armchair potato.
3 Simone got promoted and now he’s walking around like he’s the giant cheese.
4 Anna broke her wrist, but continued to play the whole match. She’s a real tough biscuit!
5 Do we have to invite Mark to the party? You know he’s such a dry blanket.
6 It only takes one rotten orange in the company to spoil it for everyone.
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