Speakout, Advanced, BBC, Interviews extra, Worksheets, 2016.
Фрагмент из книги.
Write a paragraph about your family using Andrea’s questions and language from the video to help.
• How much time do you spend with your family?
• Have you inherited any family characteristics?
• How much do you know about your family history?
• Does your family history play a part in your sense of who you are?

Write a paragraph about your attitudes to giving and taking advice. Use Natalie’s questions and language from the video in your answer.
• Are you the kind of person who asks other people for advice?
• What’s the best or worst advice you’ve ever been given?
• Is there a piece of advice that you really regret taking?
• What would be your best advice for living a happy life?
Look at the people above again. Read the statements below and write the name of the person it refers to.
1 She thinks the fact that she’s Canadian explains why she isn’t very good at keeping secrets.
2 He needs to be able to keep secrets for professional reasons.
3 He says it depends on the person with the secret.
4 People probably wouldn’t confi de in her so much if she wasn’t good at keeping secrets.
5 She fi nds it hard to keep secrets because she’s very open herself and likes to gossip.
6 He thinks it depends how important the secret is and what it’s about.
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