Speakout, Advanced, Pronunciation extra, With key, 2016.
Фрагмент из книги.
Auxiliary verbs are usually stressed in negative forms, short answers and tag questions. They are not usually stressed in positive sentences or question forms unless the speaker wishes to add extra emphasis to the verb.

Listen to a movie trailer.
Mark the pauses with a line |. Listen again and underline the main stresses. Which words are not stressed? What do they have in common?
In a town where nothing ever happens the arrival of a mysterious stranger is a big event.
Read the Pronunciation tip then listen and say the trailer in Exercise 1A with the speaker.
Movie trailers are o en recorded with exaggerated pauses and emphatic stress in order to create tension and drama. This exaggeration makes it easier for us to hear how the language is divided into chunks and how stresses are used to highlight content words.
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