Speakout, Upper Intermediate, DVD extra, BBC, Clips Worksheets, 2016.
Фрагмент из книги.
Watch the DVD and number the activities in the order you see them.
a) wingwalking
b) swimming with dolphins
c) driving Route 66
d) bungee jumping
e) husky sledding.

Watch the DVD and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1 The three men have the same reasons for working part-time.
2 Rob works over twenty hours a week.
3 Rob earns less money than he used to.
4 Richard Steel had been working hard for
twelve years before he went part-time.
5 He felt that new technology made his life easier.
6 Richard doesn’t work on Fridays.
7 He likes having some time alone in the week.
8 Most part-time workers are men.
9 Bernard gets bored easily.
10 He plans to retire soon.
Think of a time when you were very happy. Answer the questions and make notes.
1 How old were you?
2 Where were you?
3 What were you doing?
4 Why were you so happy? Was it down to one thing or a combination of things?
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