Speakout, Upper Intermediate, BBC, Interviews extra, Worksheets, 2015.
Фрагмент из книги.
Write your answers to the questions.
1 How do you spend your free time?
2 How would you spend your free time di erently if you had more time, money or opportunity?
3 In your opinion, what are the benefi ts to society of giving people more free time or more holidays?

Which fictional character would you most like to be, or meet? Look at the people below and read the names of the fi ctional characters they would like to meet. Then watch the video from 2:31–3:30 and match the characters with the people.
1 The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.
2 Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.
3 John Self from the novel Money.
4 The character Humbert Humbert from Lolita.
5 The Joker from the Batman comics.
Write your answers to the questions.
1 What sorts of things do you buy on impulse?
2 What recent product or service that you’ve seen do you think is impressive?
3 If you could start a business or invent a product or service what would it be?
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