Project Explore 1, Teachers pack, Begg A., 2019

Project explore 1, Teachers pack, Begg A., 2019.

   Project Explore is a five-level course aimed at international English language students aged 10-14/15 years old. The course combines the tried and trusted, successful methodology and structure from previous editions of Project with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. It offers clearly structured, bright, dynamic lessons, and exciting new characters and stories.
Project Explore engages students with its diverse, motivating topics and realistic, relatable contexts. It systematically develops students' linguistic and 21 st century skills, to help prepare them for the world beyond school.

Project Explore 1, Teachers pack, Begg A., 2019

Saturday morning.
Set a time limit, e.g. one minute, and get Sts in pairs to write down as many free time activities as they can think of. Ensure they write down the correct verbs to collocate with the activities, e.g. play tennis, watch films, listen to music. In pairs, Sts discuss how they usually spend their free time. Monitor and help with any unknown vocabulary Sts need.

Sts write down five things they do in their free time. They mingle and find the classmate who is most similar.

On a piece of paper, Sts write two things they do and two things they don't do in their free time. Collect all the pieces of paper and redistribute them at random. Sts read the sentences and guess which classmate wrote them.

Student's Book Contents.
Level planner.
Teaching notes.
Unit 1.
Unit 2.
Unit 3.
Unit 4.
Unit 5.
Unit 6.
Student's Book audio scripts.
Workbook answer key.
Workbook audio scripts.

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