English World 3, Pupil s Book, Bowen M., Hocking L., 2009

English World 3, Pupil's Book, Bowen M., Hocking L., 2009.

   English World is the first ever integrated ten-level print and digital English course for primary and secondary schools. Written by the authors of the best-selling Way Ahead and Macmillan English, the course aims to give learners confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world through dialogues and crosscurricular material. Independent learning is promoted through portfolios, projects and the use of the dictionaries.
The visually stunning printed resources are complemented by electronic materials for use with an interactive whiteboard and videos of all dialogues using native-speaker students in context, together with a complete teacher training package with video masterclasses. Other features include a test builder, animated posters, interactive phonics activities and singalong versions of songs.

English World 3, Pupil's Book, Bowen M., Hocking L., 2009

London sights.
A trip on the Thames.
You can travel through London on the river. The name of the river is the Thames. You can sit on a river boat and see many famous buildings.

You can see this clock tower. Inside the tower there is a heavy metal bell. Its name is Big Ben. Every hour this big bell sounds. It weighs 13,500 kilos. It is heavier than two elephants.

Welcome Unit - Revision.
1 In school.
2 On the farm.
3 People at work.
Revision 1.
4 Things we use.
5 Sound and pictures.
6 Winners!.
Revision 2.
7 At the station.
8 In the mall.
9 Street shows.
Revision 3.
10 London sights.
11 World festivals.
12 Cities at night.
Revision 4.
Word List.

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