Kid s Box 4, Teacher’s Book, 2009

Kid s Box 4, Teacher's Book, 2009.

Фрагмент из книги:
Introduce yourself and greet the class. Introduce the Star family to the class. This will be revision for some and new information for others. Hand out the pictures and the name labels to different pupils. Say each character in turn, e.g. Suzy. The two pupils with her picture and her name label stick them on the wall. Repeat for the other characters.

Kid s Box 4, Teacher's Book, 2009

Back to school.
Ask pupils what subjects they have on their timetable today. Ask which their favourites are. Ask pupils if they have started any new subjects this year. Build a mind map on the board of the school subjects.

PB8. activity 1. Look, think and answer.
Tell pupils to open their Pupil's Books at page 8. Elicit who they can see (Simon, Stella). Introduce Alex, Lenny and Meera to the class. Ask pupils to read the activity instruction aloud and each of the four questions. Pupils discuss their answers/predictions in pairs. Don t give the new vocabulary at this stage.

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