Фрагмент из книги:
Now tell your friend about the people in your family.
• What colour is their hair?
• What colour are their eyes?
• What do they Like doing?
• What sports can they play?

Look and read. Write yes or no.
1 A boy is riding a bike and having fun.
2 There are three ducks in the water.
3 A girl is doing a painting.
4 Two boys are fishing under a tree.
5 Two girls are playing badminton.
6 Two girls are flying kites.
7 The boy who’s riding the horse is waving.
Write about your day.
In the morning I
In the afternoon I
In the evening I
I don’t
At night I.
1 I love animals!.
2 At home.
3 Family and friends.
4 Food!.
5 I like clothes.
Revision 1.
6 Look at us!.
7 We Love school!.
8 In the playground.
9 My hobbies.
10 Your day.
Revision 2.
11 In the street.
12 My grandparents.
13 Going to the zoo.
14 Happy birthday!.
15 At the beach.
Revision 3.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Cliff
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