Enjoy Reading, Книга для чтения на английском языке, 7 класс, Чернышова Е.А., 2013.
Книга адресована юным читателям, которые любят чудеса и приключения, в ней представлены произведения Джонатана Свифта «Путешествие Гулливера в Бробдингнег», Джека Лондона «Зов предков», Артура Конан Дойла «Знак четырёх», Чарльза Диккенса «Битва жизни». Здесь ребята смогут не только применить свои знания английского языка, но и познакомиться с новыми интересными героями произведений английской литературы.

The Dominant Primordial Beast.
The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck, and under the fierce conditions of trail life it grew and grew. Yet it was a secret growth. His newborn cunning gave him control. He was not prone to rashness and precipitate action. Though Spitz hated him, Buck tried not to mention him at all. On the other hand, Spitz never lost an opportunity of showing his teeth. One day Buck made his nest. So warm was it that he did not want to leave it when Francois brought the fish. But when Buck finished his ration and returned, he found his nest occupied. A warning snarl told him that it was Spitz. Till now Buck had avoided trouble with his enemy, but this was too much. The beast in him roared. He sprang upon Spitz with a fury which surprised them both. Francois was surprised, too, but he guessed the cause of the trouble.
But it was then that the unexpected happened, the thing which stopped their struggle. The camp was suddenly discovered to be alive with furry forms, starving huskies, four or five score of them. They had crept in while Buck and Spitz were fighting, and when the two men sprang among them with stout clubs they showed their teeth and fought back. They were crazed by the smell of the food. In the meantime the astonished team-dogs had burst out of their nests only to be set upon by the fierce invaders. Never had Buck seen such dogs. They were mere skeletons. The team-dogs were swept back against the cliff at the first onset.
Jonathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travels. A Voyage to Brobdingnag.
Chapter I.
Chapter II.
Chapter III.
Chapter IV.
Chapter V.
Chapter VI.
Chapter VII.
Final Task.
Jack London. The Call of the Wild.
Chapter I Into the Primitive.
Chapter II The Law of Club and Fang.
Chapter III The Dominant Primordial Beast.
Chapter IV Who Has Won to Mastership.
Chapter V The Toil of Trace and Trail.
Chapter VI For the Love of a Man.
Chapter VII The Sounding of the Call.
Final Task.
Arthur Conan Doyle. The Sign of the Four.
Chapter I The Science of Deduction.
Chapter II The First Step in the Case.
Chapter III In Quest of a Solution.
Chapter IV The Strange Story.
Chapter V The Tragedy of Pondicherry Lodge.
Chapter VI Sherlock Holmes Gives a Demonstration.
Chapter VII The Episode of the Barrel.
Chapter VIII The ‘Police’ from Baker Street.
Chapter IX A Break in the Chain.
Chapter X The End of the Islander.
Chapter XI The Great Agra Treasure.
Final Task.
Charles Dickens. The Battle of Life.
Chapter I.
Chapter II.
Chapter III.
Chapter IV.
Chapter V.
Chapter VI.
Chapter VII.
Chapter VIII.
Chapter IX.
Final Task.
My Vocabulary.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Чернышова :: 7 класс
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