Тематические диалоги, Topical dialogues, На английском языке, Серафимова М.А., Шаевич А.М., 1967

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Тематические диалоги, Topical dialogues, На английском языке, Серафимова М.А., Шаевич А.М., 1967.

   «Тематические диалоги» — пособие по разговорной практике для студентов II и III курсов факультетов английского языка педагогических институтов. Оно содержит образцы диалогической разговорной речи, иллюстрирующие в той или иной степени тематические разговорники, которые публиковались нашим издательством начиная с 1959 года.

Тематические диалоги, Topical dialogues, На английском языке, Серафимова М.А., Шаевич А.М., 1967

An Old Dressing-gown.
Ann: Grandfather, that old dressing-gown of yours is a disgrace. J do wish you bought a new one.
Grandfather: My dear old dressing-gown a disgrace, Ann? Oh no. It’s an old friend. Let me see. I must have had it for quite 15 years. I remember buying it in London during the war.

Ann: Exactly. It’s fifteen years old and it looks it. It’s quite worn out, you know.

Grandfather: Oh, no, Ann. It will last me for several more years.

Ann: There can’t be much warmth left in it. it’s almost threadbare. You had it cleaned so often. I think you ought to buy a new one, especially since you always wear it instead of your jacket at breakfast time.

Grandfather: Well, I don’t want a new one, and I am not going to have one. So that’s that. Oh, it’s cold this morning. I’m going to switch the electric (ire on for a few minutes. Hm. That’s better, I suppose if I stand here with my back to the fire, you won't be able to feel it at all.

A New Pullover.
An Old Dressing-gown.
At the Tailor’s.
A Lunch Party.
Dinner at a Friend's.
Invitation to Lunch.
Health and Illness.
At the Dentist’s.
David Mas a Cold.
Home Lite.
A Cottage for Sale.
A Household Job.
A Spare-time Job.
Small Household Repairs.
A Call of a Neighbour.
A Hot-water Bottle.
Breakfast in Bed.
Preparations for a Wedding Party.
At a Big London Store.
At the Grocer’s.
At the Shoe Shop.
Buying a Television Set.
Emergency Shopping.
The Wrong Bill.
Telephone Calls.
A Telephone Call to the Office.
A Call to a Friend.
A Mistake.
An Accident on the Road.
In a Bus.
In the Train.
The Football Match.
The New Year.
Two Friends Talking Shop.
Listening In.
In the Cloak-room.
Losing a Brief-case.
Cinema and Theatre.
An Evening at the Cinema.
Going to the Opera as a Birthday Treat.
Going to the Theatre.
Home Life.
An Early Evening at the Browns.
A Visit.
Acquaintance on the Beach.
A Walk on Hampstead Heath.
A Country Excursion.
In the Tea-shop.
At School.
Discussing a School.
In a Big Store.
Telephone Talks.
A Telephone Talk about Dancing.
A Telephone Talk about Health.
An Unwelcome Telephone Call.
In the Hotel.
From Ostend to London.
A Business Talk.
A Confidential Talk.
A Talk between a Frenchman and His English Teacher.
A Talk with the Doctor.
A Talk about a Young Man.
Series of Dialogues from The Herb of Grace by E. Goudge
Meeting a Relative at the Station.
Welcoming a Relative Home.
Engaging a Nannie.
A Telephone Call.
Talking Family Matters Over.
A Talk about Matrimony.
Meeting at the Station.
Entertaining a Visitor.
Probing into a Domestic Matter.
A Talk between the Painter and His Sitter.
The Artist and His Pupil.
A Secret from the Family.
Work at a Rare Find.
Talk on Art.
Preparations for a Home Amateur Performance.
Choosing a Career.
Series of Dialogues from Hickory, Dlckory, Dock by Agatha Christie.
Making an Appointment over the Phone.
Making a Complaint.
In the Students' Hostel.
Making Enquiry about the Relations among the Students.
Argument about the Students Meals.
List of Books.

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