Business English And a little bit of grammar, Sven Frank, Willem van Leeuwen, 2023

Business English And a little bit of grammar, Sven Frank, Willem van Leeuwen, 2023.

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Expressions with in
In the rain / in the sun (= sunshine) / in the shade / in the dark / in bad weather etc.
- We sat in the shade. It was too hot to sit in the sun.
- Don’t go out in the rain. Wait until it stops.

Business English And a little bit of grammar, Sven Frank, Willem van Leeuwen, 2023

Quite, pretty, rather and fairly.
Quite and pretty are very similar in meaning:
-You'll need a coat when you go out. It's quite cold / pretty cold. (= less than "very cold", but more than "a little cold")
- I'm surprised you haven't heard of her. She's quite famous / pretty famous.
- Amanda lives quite near me, so we see each other pretty often.

Pretty is an informal word and is used mainly in spoken English.
Quite goes befor a/an:
- We live in quite an old house, (not a quite old house) Compare: Sally has quite a good job. Sally has a pretty good job.

Cover Title Page Copyright.
Chapter 1: Business Letter Form & Layout.
Chapter 2: Complaints.
Chapter 3: Dealing with Orders.
Chapter 4: Enquiries.
Chapter 5: Offers and Quotations.
Chapter 6: Office Communication - Emails.
Chapter 7: Office Communication - Telephoning.
Chapter 8: Orders and Acknowledgement.
Chapter 9: Payments and Reminders.
Chapter 10: Telephone Language.
Chapter 11: Vocabulary Email Conversation.
Chapter 12: for and since When. and How Long.
Chapter 13: May and Might.
Chapter 14: Have to and Must.
Chapter 15: Must Mustn'T Needn'T.
Chapter 16: Prefer and Would Rather.
Chapter 16: Preposition.
Chapter 17: Both Both of - Neither Neither of - Either Either of.
Chapter 18: Quite, Pretty, Rather and Fairly.
Chapter 19: Comparison (As. as Than).
Chapter 20: Still, Yet and Already, any More any Longer No Longer.
Chapter 21: Although Though Even Though in Spite of despite.
Chapter 22: Unless as Long as and Provided Providing.
Chapter 23: So and Such.
Chapter 24: as If as Though like.
Chapter 25: For, during and While.
Chapter 26: by and until by the Time.
Chapter 27: Atonin (Time).
Chapter 28: Toatininto Chapter 29: Inaton (Other Uses).
Chapter 30: by.
Chapter 31: Noun + Preposition (Reason For, Cause of Etc.).
Chapter 32: Adjective + Preposition.
Chapter 33: Verb + Preposition (To and At).
Chapter 34: Verb + Preposition (About, for Of, After).
Chapter 35: Verb + Preposition (About and Of).
Chapter 36: Verb + Preposition (Off, Or, From, On).
Chapter 37: Verb + Preposition (In, Into, With, To, On).

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