This book is therefore a celebration of Stephen’s lifetime achievement as a teacher, scholar, thinker, and educational leader and it is my pleasure as the former head of the institution to pen a few words to join in this celebration, albeit as a non-expert in this particular academic field. This book is indeed a fitting recognition of someone who has achieved so much and impacted so many over a number of decades; someone whose career is not yet over and who may yet surprise us with further outstanding achievements and contributions.

What Is Missing From Coursebooks?
A large amount of material which should be in a course but is not in the coursebook cannot easily be part of a typical coursebook. Extensive reading, which should make up half of the meaning-focused input part of a course, cannot be included in a coursebook because there would be too much material. Learners at a low proficiency level should be reading at least 100,000 to 200,000 running words per year. In addition, the material has to be at the right level for each learner, meaning that even in a relatively homogeneous class, there should be several different levels of material. The same two problems apply to material for extensive listening and reading fluency material.
Some material which is missing from current coursebooks can be easily included in them. This includes opportunities for extensive speaking and writing, material aimed at developing learner autonomy, fluency development activities for listening, speaking and writing skills, and material aimed at increasing the opportunities for repeated encounters with the same material and language features.
Acknowledgements Introduction: Threading Lessons.
What Kind of Learning Do We Want?.
Learning About Language Norms from Students.
What Is Missing From Coursebooks (And What to Do About It).
How Can Malaysian Students Make Sense of the English Tense System?.
Using a Multimodal Text in Malaysian English Language Classrooms: Exploring Lesson Designs.
A Celebration of Hope.
Take the Slow Train to Help Your Students Learn.
Wired, Differently.
Reflections of a Nyonya Writer.
Publications, Presentations & Memberships of Stephen J Hall.
Poems Written for or Inspired by Stephen J Hall.
Journey in Pictures.
About Stephen J Hall.
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