This textbook is English course for students of mathematics. It consists of 12 units based on topics of great interest to everyone studying mathematics. We hope this course will develop the communication skills one needs to succeed in a professional environment and will broaden the knowledge of the history of mathematics and will help to find out connections between mathematics and human progress.
Students are offered a variety of discussion questions as an introduction to each unit. Students will extend their vocabulary by learning useful new words and phrases. Glossary at the end of the course will also help to increase math vocabulary.
Students will read texts from the book 50 mathematical ideas you really need to know by Tony Crilly. Students will develop their reading skills. They will also be able to discuss the issues raised in the extracts from the books mentioned above. As a result they will become more accurate in their use of English at level B2.

Archimedes of Syracuse.
The ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle was a subject of ancient interest. Around 2000 BC the Babylonians made the observation that the circumference was roughly 3 times as long as its diameter.
It was Archimedes of Syracuse who made a real start on the mathematical theory of π in around 225 BC. Archimedes is right up there with the greats.
Mathematicians love to rate their co-workers and they place him on a level with Carl Friedrich Gauss (The ‘Prince of Mathematicians’) and Sir Isaac Newton. Whatever the merits of this judgment it is clear that Archimedes would be in any mathematics Hall of Fame. He was hardly an ivory tower figure though – as well as his contributions to astronomy, mathematics and physics, he also designed weapons of war, such as catapults, levers and ‘burning mirrors’, all used to help keep the Romans at bay. But by all accounts he did have something of the absent-mindedness of the professor, for what else would induce him to leap from his bath and run naked down the street shouting ‘Eureka’ at discovering the law of buoyancy in hydrostatics? How he celebrated his work on π is not recorded.
Unit 1A Zero.
Unit 1B Number systems.
Unit 2A Fractions.
Unit 2B Squares and square roots.
Unit 3A The exact value of π.
Unit 3B The exact value of e.
Unit 4A Infinity.
Unit 4B Imaginary numbers.
Unit 5A Primes.
Unit 5B Perfect numbers.
Unit 6A Pascal’s triangle.
Unit 6B Euclid’s algorithm.
Unit 7A Sets.
Unit 7B Calculus.
Unit 8A Constructions.
Unit 8B Triangles.
Unit 9A Curves.
Unit 9B Dimension.
Unit 10A Fractals.
Unit 10B The parallel postulate.
Unit 11A Probability.
Unit 11B Matrices.
Unit 12A Fermat’s last theorem.
Unit 12B The Riemann hypothesis.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Мазур :: Соловей :: Андрійчук
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