Английский язык, 7 класс, Книга для чтения, Афанасьева О.В., 2012

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Английский язык, 7 класс, Книга для чтения, Афанасьева О.В., 2012.
   Книга для чтения является частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для VII класса общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка.
Книга состоит из двух частей. Первая часть повесть известной английской писательницы Инид Блайтон «Великолепная пятёрка на острове сокровищ». Вторая часть предназначена для чтения на отдыхе, во время каникул или в свободное время дома. В неё вошли тексты об интересных людях и фактах.

Английский язык, 7 класс, Книга для чтения, Афанасьева О.В., 2012

The Strange Cousin.
“Mother, have you heard about our summer holidays yet?” said Julian, at the breakfast-table. “Can we go to Polseath as usual?”

“I’m afraid not,” said his mother. “They are quite full up this year.”
“Cheer up,” said Daddy. “We’ll find somewhere else just as good for you. What about Quentin’s for example?” Quentin was his brother, the children’s uncle. They had only seen him once, and had been rather frightened of him. He was a very tall, unsmiling man, a clever scientist who spent all his time studying. He lived by the sea — but that was about all that the children knew of him!

“I had to see Quentin’s wife in town the other day, about a business matter — and I don’t think things are going too well for them,” said Daddy. “Fanny said that she would be quite glad to have one or two people to live with her for a while, to bring a little money in.2 Their house is by the sea, you know, just the thing for the children. Fanny is very nice — she will look after them well.”

PART ONE. Five on a Treasure Island.
List of Proper Names.
Lesson 1.
Chapter I. The Strange Cousin.
Lesson 2.
Chapter II. A Queer Story and a New Friend.
Lesson 3.
Chapter III. An Exciting Afternoon.
Lesson 4.
Chapter IV. A Visit to the Island.
Lesson 5.
Chapter V. Exploring the Wreck.
Lesson 6.
Chapter VI. The Box from the Wreck.
Lesson 7.
Chapter VII. An Astonishing Offer.
Lesson 8.
Chapter VIII. Off to Kirrin Island.
Lesson 9.
Chapter IX. Exciting Discoveries.
Lesson 10.
Chapter X. Down in the Dungeons.
Lesson 11.
Chapter XI. Prisoners!.
Lesson 12.
Chapter XII. Dick to the Rescue!.
Lesson 13.
Chapter XIII. A Plan and a Narrow Escape.
Lesson 14.
Chapter XIV. The End of the Great Adventure.
Summing Up.
PART TWO. Interesting People and Interesting Facts.
1. Noah Webster.
2. Jane Addams.
3. Mahatma Gandhi.
4. Florence Nightingale.
5. Robert Owen.
6. Mother Teresa.
7. Chewing Gum.
8. Baseball.
9. Hollywood.
10. The White House.

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