This book is for anyone preparing for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or Certificate of Proficiency in English (Proficiency/CPE) exams and covers the grammar needed for these exams. You can use it to support a CAE or Proficiency coursebook, for extra grammar practice on a general English language course, or with practice tests as part of a revision programme. You can use in it class or for selfstudy.

The myth that memory is perfect.
One in four of us is susceptible to false memory syndrome. With prompting and coaxing, one in four of us can be led to believe that something has occurred in our past that, in fact, has no basis in truth. After the 1992 Amsterdam plane crash, a study showed that an impossible 66% of those interviewed claimed to have seen the event. Witness testimony is vulnerable to suggestibility and in particular there are differences of reliability with regard to age, race, presence of a weapon and duration of exposure to the evidence. Older people are more likely to pick someone from an identity parade. Own-race bias (ORB) means that the identification of someone of one’s own race is more accurate than of someone of another race.
It can be seen that memory is a more malleable phenomenon than everyday sense would lead us to believe. This makes the ‘truth’ itself more fallible, particularly when it involves an individual drawing upon it. In order for us to survive and to lead balanced and healthy lives, we have become accomplished practitioners in false memory syndrome. Thankfully this is a very necessary part of everyday existence: a survival imperative. What would your life be like if you could remember everything?
1 Tenses.
2 The future.
3 Modals 1.
4 Modals 2.
5 Nouns, agreement and articles.
6 Determiners and quantifiers.
7 Adverbs and adjectives.
8 Comparison.
9 Verb patterns 1.
10 Verb patterns 2.
11 Relative clauses 1.
12 Relative clauses 2.
13 Adverbial clauses.
14 Conditionals.
15 Participle, to-infinitive and reduced clauses.
16 Noun clauses.
17 Conjunctions and connectors.
18 The passive.
19 Reporting.
20 Substitution and ellipsis.
21 Word order and emphasis.
22 Nominallsation.
23 It and there.
24 Complex prepositions and prepositions after verbs.
25 Prepositions after nouns and adjectives.
Recording scripts.
CD tracklist.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Hewings
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