This book is for anyone preparing for IELTS. Although the IELTS test does not include a specific grammar module, it is important to be able to recognize and use grammar appropriately. This book covers the grammar you will need to be successful in the test. You can use it to support an IELTS coursebook, with a general English language course for extra grammar practice, or with practice tests as part of a revision programme. You can use it in class or for self-study.

The history of the biro.
One chilly autumn morning in 1945. five thousand shoppers crowded the pavements outside Gimbels Department Store in New York City. The day before, Gimbels had taken out a full-page newspaper advertisement in the New York Times. announcing the sale of the first ballpoint pens in the United States The new writing instrument was heralded as "fantastic... miraculous... guaranteed to write for two years without refilling!’’ Within six hours, Gimbels had sold its entire stock of ter thousand ballpoints at $12.50 each - approximately $130 at today's prices.
In fact this 'new' pen was not new after all, and was just the latest development in a long search for the best way to deliver ink to paper. In 1884 Lewis Waterman had patented the fountain pen, giving him the sole rights to manufacture it This marked a significant leap forward in writing technology, but fountain pens soon became notorious for leaking. In 1888, a leather tanner named John Loud devised and patented the first “rolling-pointed marker pen” for marking leather. Loud's design contained a reservoir of ink in a cartridge and a rotating ball point that was constantly bathed on one side with ink.
Entry test.
1 Present tenses.
2 Past tenses 1.
3 Present perfect.
4 Past tenses 2.
5 Future 1.
6 Future 2.
7 Countable and uncountable nouns.
8 Referring to nouns.
9 Pronouns and referencing.
10 Adjectives and adverbs.
11 Comparing things.
12 The noun phrase.
13 Modals 1.
14 Modals 2.
15 Reported speech.
16 Verb + verb patterns.
18 Likelihood based on conditions 2.
20 Relative clauses.
21 Ways of organising texts.
22 The passive.
23 Unking ideas.
24 Showing your position in a text.
25 Nominalisation in written English.
Recording scripts.
Appendix 1: Irregular verbs.
Appendix 2: Phrasal verbs.
CD tracklist.
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