This book is for anyone preparing for IELTS. Although the IELTS test does not include a specific grammar module, it is important to be able to recognize and use grammar appropriately. This book covers the grammar you will need to be successful in the test. You can use it to support an IELTS coursebook, with a general English language course for extra grammar practice, or with practice tests as part of a revision programme. You can use it in class or for self-study.

Jumping spiders.
For a stalking predator, the element of surprise is crucial. And for jumping spiders that sneak onto other spiders' webs to prey on their owners, it can be the difference between having lunch and becoming it. Now zoologists have discovered the secret of these spiders' tactics: creeping forward when their prey's web is vibrating.
The fifteen known species of Portia jumping spiders are relatively small, with adults being about two centimetres long (that's smaller than the cap on most pens). They habitually stay in the webs of other spiders, and in an area of these webs that is as out-of-the-way as possible. Portia spiders live mostly in tropical forests, where the climate is hot and humid. They hunt a range of other spiders, some of which could easily turn the tables on them. "They will attack something about twice their own size if they are really hungry,' says Stimson Wilcox of Binghamton University in New York State. Wilcox and his colleague, Kristen Gentile of the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, wanted to find out how Portia spiders keep the upper hand.
Entry test.
1 Present tenses.
2 Past tenses 1.
3 Present perfect.
4 Past tenses 2.
5 Future 1.
6 Future 2.
7 Countable and uncountable nouns.
8 Referring to nouns.
9 Pronouns and referencing.
10 Adjectives and adverbs.
11 Comparing things.
12 The noun phrase.
13 Modals 1.
14 Modals 2.
15 Reported speech.
16 Verb + verb patterns.
18 Likelihood based on conditions 2.
20 Relative clauses.
21 Ways of organising texts.
22 The passive.
23 Unking ideas.
24 Showing your position in a text.
25 Nominalisation in written English.
Recording scripts.
Appendix 1: Irregular verbs.
Appendix 2: Phrasal verbs.
CD tracklist.
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