Фрагмент из книги.
When we use the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements, we usually give a future time (e.g. tomorrow):
He's taking me to watch a football gome on Saturday They aren't coming to the theatre with us tonight. Are you seeing your friends this weekend?

Technology talks.
In pairs or as a group, answer the questions.
1 Do you think most people have a mobile phone or a landline phone or both in your country?
2 What do people use their landline / mobile phones for? Why?
3 Do you think people spend too much time on their landline/mobile phones? Why / Why not?
Read sentences 1-3 and select the sentence with the same meaning, A or B. Then read the online article on page 49 quickly to check your answers.
1 People in China often shop online.
A It is unusual for people in China to shop online.
В People in China shop online regularly
2 Venezuelans use their mobile phones to take photos a lot but not always.
A Venezuelans often use their mobiles to take photos.
B Venezuelans almost never take photos with their mobiles.
3 It is unusual for people in Nigeria to use a landline phone.
A People in Nigeria usually use a landline phone.
B People in Nigeria almost never use a landline phone.
1 Time out.
2 That's entertainment!.
3 What's for dinner?.
4 On your way.
5 Technology talks.
6 Teen fashion.
7 The future of learning.
8 It's only a game.
9 Whatever the weather.
10 Looking after yourself.
11 The world of work.
12 Home time.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Bowell :: Storton
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