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A teacher spotted Rene Silva's talent for writing when he was just eleven and encouraged him to set up a community newspaper. Rene accepted the challenge and took on publishing Voz da Comunidade (Voice of the Community) and he soon realised that the monthly newspaper could help his neighbourhood. However, Rene’s neighbourhood isn't just any neighbourhood. Rene lives on the edge of Rio de Janeiro in a favela, a poor town that used to be controlled by aimed drug gangs. Rene’s newspaper quickly became a vehicle for protest about the poor conditions in the faveia and gave a voice to local residents who were campaigning to make the community a safer and better place to live.

Freedom Riders.
After the Second World War, African Americans who had served their country were not wilting to return to a segregated society, where they would not be allowed to make use of the same public services, educational facilities and transport as white Americans, America was aware that change was necessary, but for many citizens, both black and white, it wasn't changing fast enough, especially in the south.
In 1960, the Supreme Court had ruled that African Americans had the right to use the same facilities as white people when travelling across the country. However, black people still faced hostility and racism in the south.
At coach and rail stations in states such as Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, black travellers found signs in waiting rooms and restaurants that said "Whites only". These signs openly broke the laws of the country, but President Kennedy's government was more worried about the nuclear threat from the USSR than domestic issues.
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