Welcome to the ninth volume of the How It Works Annual. where your burntngquestlonsabout how the world ticks finally get answered. Feed your mind. indulge your curiosity and uncover the Lrulh behind some of the most popular misconceptions. We delve deep into the roystertes of our world wlth In-depth and <'nterta tnlngarlldes, accompanied by cutaways, illustrations and incredible images to show you exacdy what goes on inside. The How ltWorl<s An nu a I explores the universe through six areas of knowledge: technology, transport, the environment. history, science and space. Our subjects range from supervolcanoesancJ prehistoric wi Id life, to the future of technology and the greatest engineeringfeatsof the modem world. In this edition, you'll also find a myth-busting special where we explore some of the most common misconceptions and unravel some of t he strangest conspiracy theories. We've also got features on incredible space weather, superS<1nicstealth jets. experiments that changed the world and whether humans are still evolving. Are you ready to learn more about the world around you? Then read on and be amazed.

As giant discs carved among crops, the origins of these elaborate designs have been debated for decades. Some claim that aliens are using fields as notepads in an attempt to communicate with us. Others believe that they are made by human time travellers sent back to warn the present-day population. Others think it could be a strange natural phenomena.
Large proportions of circles occur in southern England, and in recent years patterns have become larger and more detailed. Those who favour a more extraterrestrial explanation believe they are created by spaceships or invisible energy beams from space. Reports of crop stem nodules morphing and elongating have been theorised to be the result of exposure to an
unexplained source of microwave radiation. But, while there is physical evidence of crop circles, their presence has a scientific explanation.
The prevailing theory, which is supported by evidence, is that humans carve the circles. Commonly named 'the circle makers', groups of artists have been observed during their sculpting and even interviewed about their work. It appears the trick is to leave no trace of entering and exiting the fields, which they do by working under the cover of night. Artists have been known to use a length of rope and wooden boards to flatten the crops and form creative shapes. Though aliens aren't responsible for the circles, some of these impressive designs are out of this world.
Conspiracy theories.
Technology myths.
Science myths.
Tran sport myths.
Space myths.
Environment myths.
History myths.
Life in 2050.
Real-time transl ators.
The iPhone eater.
Inside the Samsung Galaxy 59+.
Epic engineering.
Bulletproof glass.
The first Robocop.
Are we still evolving?.
What is a hernia?.
Atomic energy levels.
How do we sense time?.
Experiments th at changed the world.
Why you lose your voice.
What is dry ice?.
How does fake tan work?.
What are smelling salts?.
Food waste.
Supersonic stealth jets.
The Trans-Siberian Rail way.
Lawless waters.
The world's busiest station.
The history of tarmacadam.
Rocket travel.
Space weather.
The Marscopter.
Tracking the Sun with TSIS.
Sleep in space.
Ultraluminous X-ray sources.
Jupiter's cyclones.
The TRAPPIST-1 system.
Build the ultimate rocket.
lt's morphing time.
Wildflower meadows.
Th e world's largest rodent.
W hat mak es a wave break?.
The world's largest waterfall.
Super volcanoes.
The Silk Road.
Prehistoric wildlife.
The Doomsday Clock.
Russia's ghost radio station.
Brunei's block machines.
Fore-edge painting.
History of the British Library.
Hampton Court Palace.
The right to vote.
Mesoamerican ball game.
Le Mont Saint-Michel.
Journey to America.
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