Лексикология английского язык, Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.И., 2024

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Лексикология английского язык, Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.И., 2024.

   Учебник включает такие разделы, как предмет и задачи курса, этимологический состав и стилевые слои словарного состава английского языка, словообразование, семантология, фразеология, синонимия и антонимия современного английского языка. Теоретический материал тесно увязан с материалом для практической самостоятельной работы и работы на семинарах. а также с текстами и упражнениями для лексического анализа.
Соответствует актуальным требованиям федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования.
Для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по гуманитарным направлениям.

Лексикология английского язык, Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.И., 2024

Learned Words.
These words are mainly associated with the printed page. It is in this vocabulary stratum that poetry and fiction find their main resources.

The term “learned” is not precise and does not adequately describe the exact characteristics of these words. A somewhat out-of-date term for the same category of words is “bookish”, but, as E. Partridge notes, “book-learned’ and ‘bookish’ are now uncomplimentary. The corresponding complimentaries are erudite’, learned’, scholarly’. ‘Book-learned’ and ‘bookish’ connote ‘ignorant of life’, however much book learning one may possess”.

The term “learned” includes several heterogeneous subdivisions of words. We find here numerous words that are used in scientific prose and can be identified by their dry, matter-of-fact flavour (c. g. comprise, com pile, experimental, heterogeneous, homogeneous, conclusive, divergent, etc.).

Introduction. What Is a Word? What is Lexicology?.
The Main Lexicological Problems.
Chapter 1. Which Word Should We Choose. Formal or Informal?.
Informal Style.
Colloquial Words.
Dialect Words.
Chapter 2. Which Word Should We Choose, Formal or Informal? (continued).
Formal Style.
beamed Words.
Archaic and Obsolete Words.
Professional Terminology.
Basic Vocabulary.
Chapter 3. The Etymology of English Words. Are All English Words Really English?.
Chapter 4. The Etymology of English Words (continued).
Why Are Words Borrowed?.
Do Borrowed Words Change or Do They Remain the Same?.
International Words.
Etymological Doublets.
Translation Loans.
Are Etymological and Stylistic Characteristics of Words at All interrelated?.
Chapter 5. How English Words Are Made. Word-Building.
Semantics of Affixes.
Chapter 6. How English Words Are Made. Word-Building (continued).
Shortening (Contraction).
Some of the Minor Types of Modern Word-Building. Sound-Imitation (Onomatopoeia).
Back-Formation (Reversion).
Chapter 7. What Is “Meaning”?.
Polysemy. Semantic Structure of the Word.
Types of Semantic Components.
Meaning and Context.
Chapter 8. How Words Develop New Meanings.
Causes of Development of New Meanings.
The Process of Development and Change of Meaning.
Transference Based on Resemblance (Similarity).
Transference Based on Contiguity.
Broadening (or Generalization) of Meaning. Narrowing (or Specialization) of Meaning.
The So-called “Degeneration" (“Degradation") and "Elevation" of Meaning.
Chapter 9. Homonyms: Words of the Same Form.
Sources of Homonyms.
Classification of Homonyms.
Chapter 10. Synonyms: Are Their Meanings the Same or Different?.
Criteria of Synonymy.
Types of Synonyms.
Types of Connotations.
Chapter 11. Synonyms (continued). Euphemisms. Antonyms.
Chapter 12. Phraseology: Word-Groups with Transferred Meanings.
How to Distinguish Phraseological Units from Free Word-Groups.
Chapter 13. Phraseology. Principles of Classification.
Chapter 14. Do Americans Speak English or American?.
Vocabulary of American English.
The Grammar System of American English.
Supplementary material.
To Chapters 3.4. From “Growth and structure of the English language” by Otto Jespersen.
To Chapter 8. From “English words and their background” by George McKnight.
To Chapter 10. From “Semantics” by F. R. Palmer.
List of authors quoted.
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