Учебник английского языка для среднего этапа обучения, Дианина Н.Н., 2018

Учебник английского языка для среднего этапа обучения, Дианина Н.Н., 2018.

   Настоящий учебник является тематическим продолжением «Учебника английского языка для начинающих» Н. Н. Дианиной и предназначен для занятий на среднем этапе обучения английскому языку. Учебник содержит большое количество грамматических упражнений, построенных в виде увлекательных рассказов, текстовой и лексический материал, необходимый для беседы по актуальным темам н формирования языковых и коммуникативных компетенций на уровнях А2-В1.
Для студентов факультета международного права МГИМО МИД России, вузов гуманитарного профиля, слушателей курсов иностранных языков, а также лиц, самостоятельно изучающих английский язык и освоивших программу обучения на уровнях А1-А2.

Учебник английского языка для среднего этапа обучения, Дианина Н.Н., 2018

National Stereotypes.
To some, a national stereotype is a true description of the character of a certain nation. To others, national stereotypes are harmless jokes, like this one:

“Heaven is where the cooks are French, the police are British, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian and everything is organized by the Swiss.”

“Hell is where the cooks are British, the police are German, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss and everything is organized by Italians.”

National stereotypes have been the subject of many jokes for centuries and they always make people laugh. But is there a gram of truth m national stereotypes or are they just based on bias? Are they offensive to many people? Whatever your views are, here are some examples of the most common national stereotypes.

Most people think that the English are cold, reserved and snobbish; Germans are punctual, hardworking, efficient and organized, but they have no sense of humour; Italians are lazy, talkative and disorganized; the Scotts are considered to be misers.

The nation which is probably most spoken about is Americans. People think that they are optimistic, hardworking and charitable. The most popular negative stereotype of Americans is that they care about nothing but money. Many people also think that they are uneducated and ignorant, that they know very little about cultures and places outside their own lives or the United States.

Unit 1.
Grammar: Present Simple and Present Progressive.
Reading and Speaking 1. National Stereotypes.
Lexis and Grammar 1.
Местоимения "other, another, others".
Употребление времен в придаточных времени и условия.
Reading and Speaking 2. National Stereotypes: True or False?.
Lexis and Grammar 2.
Complex Object.
Местоимение "any" в утвердительных предложениях.
Предлоги besides, except.
Revision. Test Yourself.
Unit 2.
Grammar: Past Simple and Past Progressive.
Reading and Speaking 1. National Etiquette.
Lexis and Grammar 1.
The Gerund.
Местоимение "everybody".
Неисчисляемые существительные.
Reading and Speaking 2. Party Etiquette Tips.
Lexis and Grammar 2.
Конструкция 'It takes.'.
Наречия "little — a little, few — a few".
Словосочетание 'to be. minutes late".
Revision. Test Yourself.
Unit 3.
Grammar: Future Simple and Future Progressive.
Reading & Speaking 1. How to Buy Happiness.
Lexis and Grammar 1.
Определительные придаточные предложения.
Возвратные местоимения.
Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Reading and Speaking 2. The Habits of Happiness.
Lexis and Grammar 2.
Отрицание в предложении.
Конструкция "used to do sth".
Местоимение "one".
Revision. Test Yourself.
Unit 4.
Grammar: Present, Past and Future Passive.
Reading and Speaking 1. Working from Home.
Back to the Office.
Lexis and Grammar 1.
Местоимение "it" как дополнение (I like it when.).
Функции инфинитива.
Местоимения "other, another, others" (Revision).
Reading and Speaking 2. Retirement.
Lexis and Grammar 2.
To expect — to wait.
To rise — to raise.
Эмфаза с глаголом "do".
Revision. Test Yourself.
Unit 5.
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple.
Reading and Speaking 1. My Journey to the Top.
Lexis and Grammar 1.
Местоимения "both, neither".
Словосочетание "to change one's mind".
Complex Object (Revision).
Reading and Speaking 2. New Data on the Rise of Women.
Lexis and Grammar 2.
Неисчисляемые существительные (Revision).
Словосочетание "in the 20s".
Конструкция "be/get used to doing sth".
Revision. Test Yourself.
Unit 6.
Grammar: Past Perfect Simple, Future Perfect Simple.
Reading and Speaking 1. Poverty in the Modern World.
Lexis and Grammar 1.
Отрицательная форма герундия и инфинитива.
Степени сравнения прилагательных (Revision).
Согласование глагола "be".
Reading and Speaking 2. An Escape from Poverty.
Bill and Melinda Gates.
Lexis and Grammar 2.
Конструкция "it was here that".
Местоимения "neither — either".
Глаголы "to do — to make".
Revision. Test Yourself.
Unit 7.
Grammar: Indirect Speech. Sequence of Tenses.
Reading and Speaking 1. How to Relearn the Art of Eating.
What's Wrong with Our Diet.
Lexis and Grammar 1.
Множественное число с неисчисляемыми существительными (foods, wines).
First — at first.
To say, to tell, to speak, to talk.
Reading and Speaking 2. Half of the US Food is Thrown Away.
Lexis and Grammar 2.
Перевод предложений «Как ты думаешь.?».
Перевод слова «еще».
Отрицание в предложении (Revision).
Revision. Test Yourself.
Unit 8.
Grammar: Modal Verbs.
Reading and Speaking 1. Why we Travel.
Lexis and Grammar 1.
Participle I. Participle II.
Альтернативный вопрос.
Замена местоимений "somebody, anybody etc." на личное местоимение.
Reading and Speaking 2. Ecotourism.
Lexis and Grammar 2.
Предлог "like" vs. "as".
Порядок слов "the boy's little dog — the little boy's dog".
Глаголы "to suggest, to offer".
Revision. Test Yourself.
Unit 9.
Grammar: Conditionals.
Reading and Speaking 1. Fair Play?.
Lexis and Grammar 1.
Придаточное предложение подлежащее (Subject Clause).
Глаголы "to admit — to recognize".
Эмфаза с союзом "nor".
Reading and Speaking 2. Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?.
Lexis and Grammar 2.
Конструкция "to be the first to do sth".
Существительные "progress — success".
Глаголы "to say, to tell, to speak, to talk" (Revision).
Revision. Test Yourself.
Unit 10.
Grammar: Present Perfect Progressive.
Reading and Speaking 1. How to speak so that people want to listen.
Lexis and Grammar 1.
Расчлененный вопрос.
Существительные "policy — politics".
Неисчисляемые существительные (Revision).
Reading and Speaking 2. How a great conversation is like a game of catch.
Lexis and Grammar 2.
Прилагательные и наречия.
Модальные глаголы "will — would".
Абсолютная форма личных местоимений.
Revision. Test Yourself.
Grammar Reference.

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