Marketing Management, Global Edition, 15th edition, Kotler P., Keller K.L., 2016

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Marketing Management, Global Edition, 15th edition, Kotler P., Keller K.L., 2016.

   The 15th edition of Marketing Management is a landmark entry in the long successful history of the market leader. With the 15th edition, great care was taken to provide an introductory guide to marketing management that truly reflects the modern realities of marketing. In doing so, classic concepts, guidelines, and examples were retained while new ones were added as appropriate. Three broad forces — globalization, technology, and social responsibility — were identified as critical to the success of modern marketing programs. These three topics are evident all through the text.

Marketing Management, Global Edition, 15th edition, Kotler P., Keller K.L., 2016

What Is Marketing?
Marketing is about identifying and meeting human and social needs. One of the shortest good definitions of marketing is “meeting needs profitably.” When Google recognized that people needed to more effectively and efficiently access information on the Internet, it created a powerful search engine that organized and prioritized queries. When IKEA noticed that people wanted good furnishings at substantially lower prices, it created knockdown furniture. These two firms demonstrated marketing savvy and turned a private or social need into a profitable business opportunity.

The American Marketing Association offers the following formal definition: Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Coping with these exchange processes calls for a considerable amount of work and skill. Marketing management takes place when at least one party to a potential exchange thinks about the means of achieving desired responses from other parties. Thus, we see marketing management as the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.

Part 1 Understanding Marketing Management.
Chapter 1 Defining Marketing for the New Realities.
Chapter 2 Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans.
Part 2 Capturing Marketing Insights.
Chapter 3 Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand.
Chapter 4 Conducting Marketing Research.
Part 3 Connecting with Customers.
Chapter 5 Creating Long-Term Loyalty Relationships.
Chapter 6 Analyzing Consumer Markets.
Chapter 7 Analyzing Business Markets.
Chapter 8 Tapping into Global Markets.
Part 4 Building Strong Brands.
Chapter 9 Identifying Market Segments and Targets.
Chapter 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning.
Chapter 11 Creating Brand Equity.
Chapter 12 Addressing Competition and Driving Growth.
Part 5 Creating Value.
Chapter 13 Setting Product Strategy.
Chapter 14 Designing and Managing Services.
Chapter 15 Introducing New Market Offerings.
Chapter 16 Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs.
Part 6 Delivering Value.
Chapter 17 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels.
Chapter 18 Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics.
Part 7 Communicating Value.
Chapter 19 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications.
Chapter 20 Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events and Experiences, and Public Relations.
Chapter 21 Managing Digital Communications: Online, Social Media, and Mobile.
Chapter 22 Managing Personal Communications: Direct and Database Marketing and Personal Selling.
Part 8 Conducting Marketing Responsibly for Long-Term Success.
Chapter 23 Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization for the Long Run.
Appendix: Sonic Marketing Plan and Exercises A1
Name Index.
Company, Brand, and Organization Index.
Subject Index.

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