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  1. [PDF] Kotler Keller

    Professor Keller's general area of expertise lies in marketing strategy and planning and branding. His specific research interest is in how understanding ...

  2. [PDF] Philip kotler marketing management 15th edition pdf download

    Kevin Lane Keller is a renowned expert in marketing strategy and planning, with a focus on branding. He holds various prestigious positions, including Chairman ...

  3. Канцтовары
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    Канцтовары: бумага, ручки, карандаши, тетради. Ранцы, рюкзаки, сумки. И многое другое.

  4. (PDF) Marketing Management (15th Edition - Academia.edu

    This Marketing Management book consists of 14 chapters ... Marketing Management (15th Edition) by Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller Marketing Management ...

  5. [PDF] Kotler marketing management 15th edition pdf

    The text was published by Pearson in May 2015 and is authored by. Philip Kotler from Northwestern University and Kevin Lane Keller from Dartmouth College.

  6. [PDF] A Framework for Marketing Management, Global Edition

    from Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller's fifteenth edition of Marketing Management. Its streamlined approach will appeal to those who want an ...

  7. Marketing Management, Global Edition, Pearson UK, eBook, PDF

    Kevin Lane Keller, Philip Kotler. Information. Publisher. ISBN. ePub ISBN. Pearson UK; 9781292406367; 9781292406367. Published at. Pressing. 2021; 15. About ...

  8. Marketing Management (15th Global Edition )

    Marketing Management (15th Global Edition ) ; dc.contributor.author, Kotler, Philip ; dc.contributor.author, Keller, Kevin ; dc.date.accessioned, 2021-08-03T04:50: ...

  9. [PDF] Ф. Котлер, К. Л. Келлер - МАРКЕТИНГ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ Экспресс ...

    K73. Котлер Ф., Келлер К. Л. А. Маркетинг менеджмент. Экспресс-курс. 3-е изд. / Пер. с англ. под науч. ред. С. Г. Жильцова. СПб.: Питер, 2010. 480 с.: ил ...

  10. Marketing Management 15th Edition Philip Kotler Kevin Lane Keller ...

    Marketing Management 15th Edition Philip Kotler Kevin Lane Keller 2024 Scribd Download - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online ...

  11. Marketing Management, Global Edition - Google Books

    Marketing Management, Global Edition. Pengarang, Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller. Edisi, 15. Penerbit, Pearson Education, 2015. ISBN, 1292092718, 9781292092713.

  12. Marketing Management, 15/E. Global Edition

    Marketing Management, 15/E. Global Edition. Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller. Informasi Dasar. Dilihat. 11104 kali. No. Katalog. 23.21.880. Klasifikasi.

  13. [PDF] Kotler Keller

    Professor Keller's general area of expertise lies in marketing strategy and planning and branding. His specific research interest is in how understanding ...

  14. Marketing Management 15th Edition by Phi | PDF - Scribd

    The document describes Marketing Management (15th Edition) by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller. It summarizes that the book contains incredibly fresh ...

  15. " Philip Kotler" скачать бесплатно. Электронная библиотека ...

    Philip Kotler, Waldemar Pfoertsch. 12.34 Mb. #5. Marketing Management (13th Edition) · Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller. Категория: Бизнес, Маркетинг. 39.81 Mb. #6 ...

  16. Marketing Management 15th | Request PDF - ResearchGate

    Kotler and Keller (2016) describe pricing strategy as a structured approach businesses use to set prices for their products or services. It is integral to ...

  17. Framework for Marketing Management, A, Global Edition - BUKU

    Framework for Marketing Management is a concise, streamlined version of Kotler and Keller's 15th Edition of Marketing Management, a comprehensive look at ...

  18. [PDF] Marketing Management (2-download)

    Page 1. Page 2. 14. Marketing. Management. PHILIP KOTLER. Northwestern University. KEVIN LANE KELLER. Dartmouth College. Prentice Hall. Boston Columbus ...

  19. marketing management.pdf - SlideShare

    1. 15e Marketing M a n a g e m e n t Kotler Keller Marketing Management Kotler • Keller fifteenth edition This is a. 2. 15 Philip Kotler ...

  20. Marketing Management, Global Edition eBook - Amazon.in

    Marketing Management | Indian Case Studies Included| Sixteenth Edition| By Pearson. G. Philip Kotler, Kevin lane Keller, Alexander Chernev, Jagdish N. Sheth.

  21. Marketing Management, 15/e by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller

    Author(s) Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller ; ISBN 9789332587403 ; Imprint Pearson Education ; Copyright 2016 ; Pages 870.

  22. Marketing Management 15th edition, Phillip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller

    Marketing Management 15th edition, Phillip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller ; Издание · Global ed ; Размер · 219 x 278 x 27 ; Поставляется из · Англии ; Описание · For ...

  23. Маркетинг менеджмент. 15-е изд. - Ф. Котлер, К. Л. Келлер

    Title, Маркетинг менеджмент. 15-е изд. Классический зарубежный учебник ; Authors, Ф. Котлер, К. Л. Келлер ; Publisher, "Издательский дом ""Питер"" ...

  24. Kotler and Keller, Marketing Management, Global Edition, 16th Edition

    Kotler and Keller, Marketing Management, Global Edition, 16th Edition. ... Download instructor resources. About; Features; Contents; Digital; Resources; Authors.

  25. Marketing Management, Global Edition von Philip Kotler, Kevin ...

    Jetzt online bestellen! Heimlieferung oder in Filiale: Marketing Management, Global Edition 15th Edition von Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller | Orell ...

  26. [PDF] Principles of Marketing, 17th GLOBAL Edition

    Kotler is the author of Marketing Management. (Pearson), now in its ... Keller and Phil. Kotler, he is co-author of the German edition of Marketing ...

  27. A Framework for Marketing Management, Global Edition

    A Framework for Marketing Management, Global Edition. Af Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller. Forlag: Pearson (Intl); Udgivet: 2015; Format: Elektronisk medie ...

  28. EBOOK : Marketing Management, 15th edition - E-Library INABA

    Philip Kotler - Nama Orang; Kevin Lane Keller - Nama Orang;. Tidak Tersedia Deskripsi. Ketersediaan. EBOOK2018040, 658 8, My Library, Tersedia - DOWNLOAD ...

  29. Test bank for marketing management global edition 15th ... - Studocu

    Test bank for marketing management global edition 15th edition philip kotler kevin lane keller. test bank - kotler. Course. Retail Marketing Management (MKT375).

  30. Framework for Marketing Management, A, Global Edition - SAXO.com

    Framework for Marketing Management, A, Global Edition. - European Edition. Af. Philip Kotler; og Kevin Lane Keller · Bog Brugt bog. Format ...

  31. United States 13th Edition Philip Kotler Kevin Lane Keller ... - eBay

    Marketing Management: United States 13th Edition Philip Kotler Kevin Lane Keller ; Condition. Very Good ; Quantity. 1 available ; Item Number. 175637901318.

  32. Marketing Management, Global Edition by Keller, Philip Kotler

    15. utgave. Utgiver. Vendor. Pearson (Intl). Språk. Product language. Engelsk. Format. Product format. Digital bok. Forfatter. Keller, Philip Kotler; Dr Kevin ...

  33. Framework for Marketing Management, A, Global Edition - Pearson

    Framework for Marketing Management is a concise, streamlined version of Kotler and Keller's 15th Edition of Marketing Management, a comprehensive look at ...


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2025-03-05 03:03:34