Speakout, Upper Intermediate, DVD extra, BBC, Clips Worksheets, 2016.
Фрагмент из книги.
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 How o en do you use a public library?
2 Do you only use a library to borrow books? What else can you do there?
3 Are libraries more or less popular than they were in the past? Why?

Answer the questions in pairs.
1 What date did it happen?
2 What time did the ferry start sinking?
3 How many other passengers were on the life raft?
4 Was Paul scared on board? Why/Why not?
5 Where was he trapped?
6 What did he climb up to escape?
7 What does the presenter say might be the key to why he escaped?
Watch the DVD about a disaster at sea and tick the things Paul Barney did.
1 slept in a cabin
2 slept in the cafeteria
3 climbed onto a life ra
4 made a fi lm about the sinking ship
5 climbed along the ceiling
6 went onto the bottom of the ship
7 had a sense of tunnel vision
8 swam to land.
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