Speakout, Upper Intermediate, Pronunciation extra, With key, 2016.
Фрагмент из книги.
Nouns that end in -tion are usually stressed on the second to last syllable. Nouns that end in -ty are usually stressed on the third to last syllable. What examples can you fi nd of these ‘rules’ in Exercise 4C?

Read paragraphs A, В and C. What type of texts are they?
A The King's daughter left the castle in autumn. She had long been determined to visit foreign shores, and so she caught a ship. The sea was calm and soon they landed on an island named Bantorino. There she met a handsome prince.
В Lindherst was the most fascinating man I'd known. The first time I met him, he was a ballet dancer in Paris. Years later, I saw him playing the guitar in Istanbul. We went for a walk and he told me he'd trained as a psychiatrist in Berlin, but had become a writer instead. I doubted his story, but then he showed me his books.
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