Индивидуальное чтение, практикум, Пушкина Е.Н., 2021

Индивидуальное чтение, Практикум, Пушкина Е.Н., 2021.

   Данный практикум предназначен для студентов нелингвистического профиля подготовки и ориентирован на развитие навыков чтения, а также совершенствование лексической и грамматической стороны речи. Практикум состоит из трёх разделов, включающих текст рассказа и задания к каждому из его частей.
Тексты содержат большое количество диалогов, разговорных фраз и синтаксических конструкций, способствующих развитию навыков устной речи на материале прочитанного текста. Предложенные задания позволяют контролировать понимание общего содержания и деталей текста, стимулируют способность давать аргументированное и грамматически правильно оформленное высказывание.
Практикум предназначен для студентов магистратуры естественнонаучных специальностей и может быть использован в режиме самостоятельной подготовки с проверкой выполнения заданий во время аудиторных занятий.

Индивидуальное чтение, Практикум, Пушкина Е.Н., 2021

The Blast of the Book.
Professor Openshaw always lost his temper, with a loud bang, if anybody called him a Spiritualist; or a believer in Spiritualism. But he also lost his temper if anybody called him a disbeliever in Spiritualism. It was his pride to have given his whole life to investigating Psychic Phenomena: it was also his pride never to have given a hint of whether he thought they were really psychic or merely phenomenal. In his writings, he never stated openly whether he. John Oliver Openshaw, did or did not believe in Spirits, and neither Spiritualist nor Materialist could ever boast of finding out. He truly believed that he was fighting alone against both sides.

'All these people are perpetually asking me what I'm trying to prove.' he said to his friend Father Brown one morning. 'They don't seem to understand that I'm a man of science. A man of science isn't trying to prove anything. He's trying to find out what will prove itself.'

’But he hasn't found out yet.' said Father Brown.
'Well, I have some little notions of my own, that are not quite so negative as most people think.' answered the Professor, after an instant of frowning silence. 'Frankly. I think a lot of psychic appearances could be explained away. It's the disappearances I can't explain, unless they're psychic. These people hi the newspaper who vanish and are never found - if you knew the details as I do ... and now only this morning I got confirmation: an extraordinary letter from an old missionary, quite a respectable old boy. He's coming to see me at my office this morning. Perhaps you'd lunch with me or something; and I'd tell the results - in confidence.'

Episode I. Arrival.
Episode II. Mrs. Blakemore.
Episode III. The Household.
Episode IV. A Nasty Taste in the Mouth.
Episode V. A Suspicious Death.
Episode VI. Who? How? Why?.
Episode VH The Will and the Motives.
Episode VIII. Evidence of Poison Missing.
Episode IX. The Outcome.
Episode I. A New Case.
Episode II. Head Trainer's Story.
Episode III. The Church Crypt.
Episode IV. Bones Burnt.
Episode V. The Black Spaniel.
Episode VI. In the Crypt.
Episode VII. The Will to Win.
Episode I. Mysterious Exit.
Episode II. Two More Cases of Disappearance.
Episode III. Doctor Hankey's Meeting His Fate.
Episode IV. Mr. Pringle's Vanishing.
Episode V. Father Brown's Eye-Opener.

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