The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) measures your English language proficiency for either academic or professional purposes. The Academic Module is for those planning to attend a university where English is the spoken language. The General Training Module is for those planning to live or work in an English-speaking country. The test is divided into four sections; each section tests a different language kill-Listening,Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The Listening and Speaking sections are the same for the Academic and General Training Modules, but the Reading and Writing sections differ.
This book contains six complete Academic Module tests and six Reading and Writing sections for the General Training Module.

Odonata is the order of insects that includes dragonflies and damsel flies. To the human eye, their shining colors1 and delicate-looking wings make them beautiful creatures to behold. In the natural world, however, they are fearsome predators. Dragonflies and damselflies get their name from the powerful serrated jaws they use to tear apart their prey. The word odonata means “toothed jaw."
Dragonflies and damselflies are often confused with each other because they are very similar. Close observation reveals the differences between them. The most obvious difference is the way they hold their wings while at rest. Dragonflies hold their wings out to the side while damselflies fold their wings back. Dragonflies have very large eyes that seem to cover the entire face because they are so close together that they touch each other. Damselflies’ eyes are smaller, and there is a space between them. Dragonflies are larger and stronger animals than damselflies and fly longer distances. Thus, they can be found in woods and fields away from the water. Damselflies are not such strong fliers and are most often seen around the edges of ponds and streams since they do not normally fly far from the water.
What Is lELTS?.
How to Use This Book.
Using the Answer Explanations.
IELTS Study Contract.
Self-Study Activities.
Practice Test 1.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 2.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 3.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 4.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 5.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 6.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 1.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 2.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 3.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 4.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 5.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Practice Test 6.
Answer Key.
Answer Explanations.
Audioscripts for Listening Parts 1-4.
How to Use the MP3 CD.
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