Punctuation is essential to learning how to write. Only when we master punctuation can we begin to perfect our writing. More than a dozen unique punctuation marks are used in modern English, and each mark can change the structure and meaning of our chosen words in both drastic and subtle ways. When we speak, we control this meaning by pausing or changing the inflection of our voice; when we write, however, the only way to convey this meaning is through the correct use of punctuation marks.
This guide covers all the ways punctuation shapes the English language as it is written today. Because of how varied the usage of punctuation marks can be, it’s crucial to understand exactly how each mark can (or cannot) be used.

Punctuating sentences.
The most common use of periods is to punctuate the end of sentences. This occurs with almost all the types of sentences we use. For example:
“I run three miles every morning.” (declarative sentence)
“I could study better if you turned down the music.” (conditional sentence)
“Please start the car.” (imperative sentence).
Note that if we wanted to indicate an especially strong emotion in any of the above sentences, or else indicate that the speaker is shouting, we would typically use an exclamation point instead. For instance:
“I run three miles every morning!”
“I could study better if you turned down the music!”
“Please start the car!”.
About the publisher.
Editor’s Note.
English Punctuation.
Exclamation Points.
Question Marks.
Quotation Marks.
Other Signs and Symbols.
Quiz answers.
Thank You.
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