Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced is for students and professionals looking to expand their business vocabulary. It is for Upper-intermediate to Advanced level learners of English (levels B2 to Cl of the CEF).
Bringing you right up-to-date with the language you need for business today, this second edition reflects recent developments in technology, global relations and financial practice. As well as covering a wide range of topics, from Competitive Strategy to Globalisation, it also develops skills in key areas including Business writing and Working in international teams.

I like the teamwork.
‘I’m an aircraft engineer. I work on research and development of new aircraft. I love putting ideas into practice. I like working on my own, but it’s also great being part of a team. I like the teamwork (see Unit 9) and the sense of achievement when we do something new. And of course, the planes we produce are very beautiful.
‘Is there anything I don’t like? I dislike days when I’m chained to a desk. 1 don’t like admin and paperwork. Sometimes I feel I’m snowed under -there’s so much to do I don't know how to deal with it. And in a large organization like ours, there can be a lot of bureaucracy’ or red tape - rigid procedures — that can slow things down.’
Job satisfaction.
Management styles 1.
Management styles 2.
Employment and employability.
Flexibility and inflexibility.
Work-life balance.
Managing talent 1.
Managing talent 2.
Team building.
The right skills.
Equality and diversity.
What is quality?.
Quality standards.
Quality and people.
Striving for perfection.
Strategic thinking.
Companies and their industries.
Key strategic issues.
Preparing for the future.
The four Ps and beyond.
Customer satisfaction.
Knowing your customers 1.
Knowing your customers 2.
Knowing your customers 3.
Brands and branding.
Global brands.
Supply chain management.
Outsourcing and offshoring.
The evolving Web 1.
The evolving Web 2.
Knowledge and the Internet.
Internet security.
Internet selling.
Intellectual property.
Financial performance.
Profit and loss account.
Balance sheet 1.
Balance sheet 2.
Cashflow statement.
Comparing performance.
Shareholder value.
Accounting standards.
The business cycle.
Bursting bubbles.
Corporate social responsibility.
Social reporting.
Green issues.
Climate change.
Corporate governance.
Ethical investment.
Investment and debt.
The BRIC economies.
International aid.
Sustainable development.
Intercultural teams.
Intercultural meetings.
Intercultural networking.
Business writing 1.
Business writing 2.
Business writing 3.
Business writing 4.
Answer key.
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