Английский язык, 11 класс, Книга для учителя, New Millennium English, Гроза О.Л., Дворецкая О.Б., Казырбаева Н.Ю., Клименко В.В., 2007.
Книга для учителя к УМК "Английский язык нового тысячелетия" для 11-го класса содержит описание основных методических принципов, подробные поурочные планы, ключи к заданиям, транскрипты фонограмм, языковые и культуроведческие комментарии, образцы тестов, а также фотокопируемые раздаточные материалы. Книга знакомит с современной западной методической терминологией и вместе с тем опирается на традиционные ценности отечественной педагогики. такие, как развитие критического мышления, осознание социальной и гражданской ответственности, развитие общеучебных навыков, включая навыки взаимо- и самоконтроля.

Why English?
A. Draw Ss' attention to the box For Your Info. Say that they will come across such boxes several times.
Tapescript (Ex. 2A).
1 I think the English language is extremely beneficial; it has expanded my knowledge greatly and has certainly broadened my mind As a person. I am more well rounded, and I truly think everybody should learn another language.
2 I've used the English language for travel, and I am now looking for a job abroad. It's a window to the world, and it has really helped me be a better writer in my own language. I have gained a greater appreciation for other cultures and my OWN.
3 The main trouble with English is that it’s full of nasty surprises. There are more exceptions than rules and just when you think you know a word you find out that it has another meaning. But it's good exercise for your brain and I enjoy learning it.
Unit 1 What’s in a language?.
Lessons 1-2 Are you a good language learner?.
Lessons 3-4 Why English?.
Lessons 5-6 Death sentence?.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 2 People and places.
Lessons 1-2 London.
Lessons 3-4 Russia’s little empty Oxford.
Lessons 5-6 Projects.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 3 A job for life?.
Lessons 1-2 Why don’t you get a job?.
Lessons 3-4 A letter of application and а СV.
Lessons 5-6 A job interview.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 4 Mysteries.
Lessons 1 -2 At the edge of the unknown.
Lessons 3-4 Telepathy.
Lessons 5-6 Stone me!.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 5 TV or not TV?.
Lessons 1-2 What's on the box?.
Lessons 3-4 Whose choice is it?.
Lessons 5-6 TV-Turnoff Week turns me on.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 6 World of science.
Lessons 1-2 What science can do.
Lessons 3-4 What is science?.
Lessons 5-6 Why do people become scientists?.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 7 Understanding art.
Lessons 1-2 Line.
Lessons 3-4 Modern art.
Lessons 5-6 Great myths in art.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 8 Crime and punishment.
Lessons 1-2 Is it a crime?.
Lessons 3-4 Should we be cruel or be kind?.
Lessons 5-6 Survival skills.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 9 The way we live.
Lessons 1-2 Most treasured possession.
Lessons 3-4 Alternative lifestyles.
Lessons 5-6 Back or forward?.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 10 Whose world is it?.
Lessons 1-2 Cause or effect?.
Lessons 3-4 Love thy neighbour.
Lessons 5-6 Explorers or intruders?.
Lessons 7-8 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Extensive reading.
Unit 1 What's in a language?.
Unit 2 People and places.
Unit 3 A job for life?.
Unit 4 Mysteries.
Unit 5 TV or not TV?.
Unit 6 World of science.
Unit 7 Understanding art.
Unit 8 Crime and punishment.
Unit 9 The way we live.
Unit 10 Whose world is it?.
Photocopiable materials.
Sample tests.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Гроза :: Дворецкая :: Казырбаева :: Клименко :: 11 класс
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