Оptions 11, Teacher’s Book, Evans V., Dooley J., Manevich Y., Polyakova A., 2016.
Options is an English course of seven levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference and designed for learners studying English at CEF levels A1 to B2. It allows a flexibility of approach which makes it suitable for classes of all kinds, including large or mixed ability classes.

All things high tech.
Star Trek was originally an American science-fiction TV series that ran from 1966-2001. Set in the 23rd century, it focuses on the adventures of the humans and aliens on board the Starship Enterprise space craft, as they explore space and try to keep intergalactic peace. There are now also several films.
Dr Who is a British science-fiction TV series that began in 1963 and is still popular today. At the centre of the story is The Doctor, an alien who can travel in time and use this ability to help people.
The Terminator is a 1984 science-fiction film, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as a cyborg assassin sent back to earth from the future to kill a young woman. It was directed by James Cameron. There have been several sequels.
Introduction to the Teacher.
Module 1.
Module 2.
Module 3.
Module 4.
Module 5.
Module 6.
Module 7.
Module 8.
All about Russia Key.
Fun Time Key.
Self-Check Key.
Word Formation Key.
Practice Test Key.
Student’s Book Audioscripts.
Evaluations charts.
Workbook Key.
Presentation Skills Key.
Language Review Key.
Workbook Audioscripts.
Workbook Grammar Bank Key.
Workbook Vocabulary Bank Key.
Further Exam Practice Key.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Evans :: Dooley :: Manevich :: Polyakova
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