Оptions 10, Teacher’s Book, Evans V., Dooley J., Manevich Y., Polyakova A., 2016.
Options is an English course of seven levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference and designed for learners studying English at CEF levels A1 to B2. It allows a flexibility of approach which makes it suitable for classes of all kinds, including large or mixed ability classes.

At the beginning of the course, students should be asked to obtain a suitable folder, or sectioned document wallet, which they will bring to each lesson and which will hold their personal Language Portfolio.
This will be used to store not only the material cut out of the printed supplement, My Language Portfolio, but also a wide variety of other documents and material.
In practice, Language Portfolios may include projects or other written work; memory sticks with work or drawings completed inside or outside the class; DVDs with the students’ favourite story, filmed performances of songs, school plays, Evaluation Sheets and reports from teachers, various realia or pictures and so on. In short, it is a collection of what the learners want to keep as evidence of what they are learning through the medium of the English language.
Introduction to the Teacher.
Module 1.
Module 2.
Module 3.
Module 4.
Module 5.
Module 6.
Module 7.
Module 8.
All about Russia Key.
Fun Time Key.
Self-Check Key.
Student’s Book Audioscripts.
Evaluations charts.
Workbook Key.
Workbook Grammar Bank Key.
Workbook Vocabulary Bank Key.
Presentation Skills Key.
Language Review Key.
Further Exam Practice Key.
Workbook Audioscripts.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Evans :: Dooley :: Manevich :: Polyakova
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