Английский язык, 11 класс, английский язык нового тысячелетия, Гроза О.Л., Дворецкая О.Б., Казырбаева Н.Ю., 2012

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Английский язык, 11 класс, Английский язык нового тысячелетия, Гроза О.Л., Дворецкая О.Б., Казырбаева Н.Ю., 2012.

   Учебник "Английский язык нового тысячелетия'' для 11-го класса соответствует требованиям федерального государственного образовательного стандарта, готовит к государственному выпускному экзамену по программе средних образовательных учреждений, в том числе и в формате ЕГЭ.
УМ К состоит из учебника, книги для учителя, рабочей тетради и аудиоприложения (аудиокассета, CD MP3) и может быть использован при трех часах обучения английскому языку в старшей школе.
Тематика текстов и заданий учебника соответствует потребностям и интересам учащихся этого уровня и возраста. Большое внимание уделяется формированию таких умений, как ведение дискуссии, участие в дебатах, спорах, работа в малой группе, разрешение конфликтных ситуаций и т. д.
В УМК реализуется коммуникативно-когнитивный подход, используется комбинация современных и традиционных приемов обучения.

Английский язык, 11 класс, Английский язык нового тысячелетия, Гроза О.Л., Дворецкая О.Б., Казырбаева Н.Ю., 2012

Why English?
Translate the words in bold into Russian according to the context.
1 He speaks French fluently, i.e. he can speak French well, doesn’t pause while speaking.
2 She has a well-rounded education in economics, i.e. she has complete and varied experience in it.
3 I think travelling broadens our minds, i.e. enlarges our knowledge and understanding of the world.
4 She is not very good at English now, but she is working hard at it.
After all, what counts is hard work.
5 Frequent practice is beneficial for developing speaking skills.
6 Learning foreign languages helps people to gain a better appreciation of their own language, i.e. to understand how their own language works.
7 This book on English history expanded my knowledge of the country. Now I am more aware of many aspects of modern life in Britain.
8 In the word “get” the first letter is pronounced as [g] which is not according to the rule, it is an exception.

UNIT 1 What is there in the language?.
Lessons 1-2 Are you a good language learner?.
Lessons 3-4 Why English?.
Lessons 5-6 Death sentence?.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself: A role play "Should English be the first language for the Bongou people?”.
UNIT 2 People and places.
Lessons 1-2 London.
Lessons 3-4 A gem in the Golden Ring.
Lessons 5-6 Projects.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself: Project “Let’s make our town prosper”.
UNIT 3 A job for life?.
Lessons 1-2 A job for your future.
Lessons 3-4 A letter of application and a CV.
Lessons 5-6 A job interview.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary .
Lesson 8 Express yourself: A job interview.
UNIT 4 Mysteries.
Lessons 1-2 At the edge of the unknown.
Lessons 3-4 Mysteries of the animal world.
Lessons 5-6 Stone me!.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself: TV show “Do you believe in...?".
UNIT 5 TV or not TV?.
Lessons 1-2 What’s on the box?.
Lessons 3-4 Whose choice is it?.
Lessons 5-6 TV-Turnoff Week turns me on.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself: Debates “All-Russia TV-Turnoff Week”.
UNIT 6 World of science.
Lessons 1-2 What science can do.
Lessons 3-4 What is science?.
Lessons 5-6 Why do people become scientists?.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself: A student Science Conference.
UNIT 7 Understanding art.
Lessons 1-2 Line.
Lessons 3-4 Modern art.
Lessons 5-6 Great myths in art.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary Lesson 8 Express yourself: Art exhibition.
UNIT 8 Crime and punishment.
Lessons 1-2 Is it a crime?.
Lessons 3-4 Should we be cruel or be kind?.
Lessons 5-6 Survival skills.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary Lesson 8 Express yourself: A Conference.
UNIT 9 The way we live.
Lessons 1-2 Most treasured possession.
Lessons 3-4 Alternative lifestyles.
Lessons 5-6 Back or forward?.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself: Desert island project: “A World of Difference”.
UNIT 10 Whose world is it?.
Lessons 1-2 Cause or effect?.
Lessons 3-4 Love thy neighbour.
Lessons 5-6 Explorers or intruders?.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Extensive reading.
Grammar reference.
List of active vocabulary.

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