Online business isn’t just for large corporations, or even just for small businesses that already have a storefront in the real world and simply want to supplement their marketability with a Web site.

New Ways to Spread the Word.
When I wrote the first edition of this book back in 1998, you could advertise your online business in a few ways: through a Web site; through postings on online discussion boards; through placing banner ads; and exchanging links to other sites. Now, you can do viral marketing (word-of-mouth advertising) on social networking sites.
Social networking sites are the modern-day equivalent of the town square. When you go to a social networking site, you again strike up a personal relationship with a merchant; after you do, you’re that much more likely to buy something from that person. Social networking sites give potential customers another place where they can find you and get to know you.
You Can Do It!.
The Water’s Still Fine.
Where This Book Is Coming From.
How to Use This Book.
What This Book Assumes about You.
What’s Where in This Book.
Part I: Launching Your Online Business.
Part II: Establishing and Organizing Your Online Business.
Part III: Building Traffi c Through Social Networking and More.
Part IV: Expanding beyond Your Own Web Site.
Part V: Keeping Your Business Legal and Fiscally Responsible.
Part VI: The Part of Tens.
Conventions Used in This Book.
Icons Used in This Book.
We’re in It Together.
Part I: Launching Your Online Business.
Chapter 1: What’s New: The Latest Tools and Strategies for Your Online Business.
Chapter 2: Opening Your Own Online Business in Ten Easy Steps.
Chapter 3: Choosing and Equipping Your New E-Business.
Chapter 4: Selecting Your E-Commerce Host and Design Tools.
Part II: Establishing and Organizing Your Online Business.
Chapter 5: Organizing Your Business Presence and Attracting Customers.
Chapter 6: Making Shopping Easy on Your E-Commerce Site.
Chapter 7: Accepting Payments.
Chapter 8: Providing Customer Service with a Virtual Smile.
Chapter 9: Sourcing Worldwide for Your Business.
Part III: Building Traffic through Social Networking and More.
Chapter 10: Advertising and Publicity: The Basics.
Chapter 11: Search Engine Optimization.
Chapter 12: Selling on Craigslist,, and CafePress.
Part IV: Expanding beyond Your Own Web Site.
Chapter 13: Running a Business with Online Auctions.
Chapter 14: Taking Advantage of Google’s Tools.
Chapter 15: Spreading the Word on Facebook, Twitter, and Blogs.
Part V: Keeping Your Business Legal And Fiscally Responsible.
Chapter 16: Keeping It All Legal.
Chapter 17: Online Business Accounting Tools.
Part VI: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 18: Ten Must-Have Features for Your Web Site.
Chapter 19: Ten E-Commerce Marketplaces Worth Exploring.
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