Welcome to Smart Shopping! This is Book 5 of the 21st Century Lifeskills Mathematics series.
The goal of this book and the other books in this series is to build your confidence and practical math skills. You will use these math skills in everyday situations throughout your life.

Liquidation & Closeouts.
Now try these problems.
Refer to the information in the example as you work the first problem.
1. When Ross goes downtown, he makes his trip pay for itself. The table in the example shows the results of one of his trips. On his next trip, he buys the same items at the same prices at Everything Wholesale and Tex’s Liquidations. He does not catch the yard sales. But he does visit a discount sports store where he buys a pair of sneakers for $28.97, instead of $98.99. This trip takes him five hours. He spends $3.00 on gas and nothing on parking. Complete the sentences to tell how much this trip earns him in savings per hour?
2. Charlcie picks up a flyer as she walks into the sports store closeout sale. The flyer reads, “Purchase items for as little as 15% of the retail cost.” Charlcie picks up diving accessories for $35. The tags say the total retail price for these items is $175.
To the Student.
Unit 1: Retail & Wholesale.
Lesson 1: Retail Deals.
Lesson 2: Visiting the Outlets.
Lesson 3: Liquidation and Closeouts.
Lesson 4: Strategic Purchases.
Lesson 5: Co-ops & Clubs.
Unit 2: Reading Ads.
Lesson 1: Misleading Data.
Lesson 2: Reading the Classifieds.
Lesson 3: Everyday Ads.
Lesson 4: Reading the Fine Print.
Lesson 5: Stretching Dollars.
Unit 3: Rental Sales.
Lesson 1: On Vacation.
Lesson 2: Renting Movies.
Lesson 3: Rented Out!.
Lesson 4: Temporary Help.
Lesson 5: Renting Your Home.
Unit 4: Buying on Layaway.
Lesson 1: All Sorts of Items to Layaway.
Lesson 2: Terms & Conditions.
Lesson 3: Return Policies.
Lesson 4: Making Payments.
Lesson 5: Timing Is the Key.
Unit 5: Getting the Best Deal.
Lesson 1: Picking the Time & the Place.
Lesson 2: A Matter of Timing.
Lesson 3: Vacation Deals.
Lesson 4: Trade Show Opportunities.
Lesson 5: Getting an Advantage.
Unit 6: On-line Shopping.
Lesson 1: Making Comparisons.
Lesson 2: Shopping without Dropping.
Lesson 3: Searching for Special Items.
Lesson 4: What’s New?.
Lesson 5: Consulting the Experts.
Unit 7: Shopping for a Neighbor.
Lesson 1: In Their Shoes.
Lesson 2: Following Their Lists.
Lesson 3: Price or Quantity.
Lesson 4: Being a Good Neighbor.
Lesson 5: Match It!.
Unit 8: Second Time Around.
Lesson 1: Garage Sales.
Lesson 2: Estate & Other Sales.
Lesson 3: What’s the Missing Number?.
Lesson 4: Cars, Clothes, & Books.
Lesson 5: Recycling Trash.
Teacher’s Notes and Answer Key.
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