We were no different than you might be. Our relationships with women were dependent upon two things: luck and the whim of women who happened to be attracted to us. When either of us had sex, it was because we quite literally "got lucky," and a woman decided to have us. We had little choice or power over when we had sex and relationships and what women we had those interactions with. Sex and relationships, it seemed, were a crap-shoot. Perhaps we'd meet someone, perhaps we wouldn't. Needless to say, we got tired of it.
Finally, we decided that we would do whatever it took to find out what worked with women. We wanted to know how to seduce women and more—we wanted to know how to develop relationships with women that would be fulfilling for both us and them.

So You Want Success with Women.
Greg came to us with a problem. "I can't seem to get women to like me," he told us. "I mean, they like me as a friend, but when I try to make things more romantic, it never works out. I haven't had sex in over a year. What should I do?"
We hear stories like Greg's all the time. All sorts of men come to us with their dating problems. Some are young, some are middleaged, some are older. Some are salesmen, some are computer programmers, some are executives. We've worked with college professors, as well as men who are their students. We've worked with men who've never been married, and men who are divorced. We've worked with rich men and poor men, attractive men and ugly men. We've worked with men from as many different walks of life and socio-economic strata as you can imagine.
Chapter one... So You Want Success with Women.
Chapter two... The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Seducers.
Chapter three... Elements of Style: Dress and Confidence.
Chapter four... Where the Girls Are; Meeting Women for Sex and Relationships.
Chapter five... Flirting Without Disaster.
Chapter six... A Crash course in Romance/How to Sweep Her Off Her Feet and into Your Bed.
Chapter seven... The Priming Date.
Chapter eight... The Seduction Date.
Chapter nine... Closing the Deal: The First Kiss and More.
Chapter ten... Being the Mart of Her Dreams In Bed.
Chapter eleven... When Babes Attack: Handling Problems Women Cause.
Chapter twelve... After the Date—Keeping Up the Pursuit.
Chapter thirteen... Breaking Up Is Easy to Do.
Chapter fourteen... Prom Casual to Committed.
Chapter fifteen... Conclusion.
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