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    A potent and electrifying critique of todays feminist movement announcing a fresh new voice in black feminism. Todays feminist movement has a glaring blind ...

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  3. Breaking Through. Stories and Best Practices From ...

    When women succeed, we all win. Breaking Through explores the mentoring relationship, and unravels its effects on women, businesses, society, ...

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    First, think about your non-romantic female relationships. Do you have female friends and acquaintances? What do you talk about? How to you interact? The women ...

  5. «Dare. Straight Talk on Confidence, Courage, and Career for ...

    From a veteran Fortune 500 executive, how women can reach and succeed in top leadership positions Though women hold a majority of the... Далее. Жанры и теги.

  6. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical ...

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    Глава 1. Нехватка лидерских амбиций. Что бы ты сделала, если бы не боялась? Моя бабушка Розалин Айнхорн родилась на 52 года раньше меня – 28 августа 1917 г.

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    How could training and development for women managers be improved? Do women need to compromise to succeed in a male-dominated corporate world? A seat on the ...


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