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Какая цена на книгу How to succeed with women, Copeland D., Louis R., 1998

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  2. Abdul-Razak Mahamadu "Women Participation in Accra and ...

    If the desire to build descent societies which offer equality of opportunities for everyone is to succeed, women must participate in local governance which is ...

  3. Hannah Orwa Bula,Edward Tiagha and Muruku Waiguchu " ...

    The book comes in handy for all women who have a passion in their businesses and and are either struggling to survive or to succeed in their business ventures.

  4. Anastasia Gakuru and DANIEL KOMO GAKUNGA "Factors ...

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    He provides the manual for how men can change, both on a personal and a societal level by providing practical solutions for helping men learn how to resist ...

  6. Arthur Bell. Writing effective letters, memos, e-mail.

    Titles in Barron's Business Success series are quick reads for busy people. They advise career- minded men and women on how to succeed at all levels of ...

  7. Maria Teresa Garcia Moises and Miriam Isabel Gutierrez ...

    These narratives of entrepreneurial women of Milpa Alta are the written expression of various sessions of therapeutic work, where we constructed spaces for ...

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    She prefers the company of woman, and says that her best friends have been those of her own sex. But the charm of her society has beguiled you into a long visit ...

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    George favouring me more highly than by placing me face to face and hand to hand with a warrior at once so courteous and so brave." Smiling, as if pleased with ...

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    First, think about your non-romantic female relationships. Do you have female friends and acquaintances? What do you talk about? How to you interact? The women ...

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  6. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical ...

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    О книге. From a veteran Fortune 500 executive, how women can reach and succeed in top leadership positions Though women hold a majority of the... Далее. Жанры ...

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    Every female who keeps, or attends in a store, should discourage the visits of her friends at business hours. If she looks off to chat with her shop-visiters, ...

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    Most men have little awareness of how important it is to a woman to feel supported by someone who cares. Women are happy when they believe their needs will be ...


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