Solutions Pre-Intermediate, Student’s Book, Falla T., Davies P.A., 2017

Solutions Pre-Intermediate, Student's Book, Falla T., Davies P.A., 2017.

The Solutions Student's Book is packed full of interesting content to keep students of all abilities fully engaged and motivated. Each unit consists of eight lessons, all of which focus on a particular skill, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking, and writing. New to the third edition are specific listening and word skills lessons, to help develop well-rounded, confident communicators. Additional resources, including exam skills trainer sections and extra speaking practice help consolidate what students have covered in the lessons. The supported approach to speaking, writing and exam practice ensure every student can achieve success.

Solutions Pre-Intermediate, Student's Book, Falla T., Davies P.A., 2017

Mars One.
The Mars One project is planning to send people to Mars to live there permanently. The idea of living on other planets clearly appeals to a lot of people, because over 200,000 individuals want to take part in the mission. But how will the settlers adjust to the conditions on Mars? Here are some of the problems they will face. The atmosphere consists of 95% carbon dioxide and almost no oxygen. The settlers will have to cope with very low temperatures (similar to Antarctica) and very high levels of ultra-violet radiation. Gravity is only 38% of that on Earth. We need to learn more about the effects that would have on their bodies. Mars Rovers have already searched for water on Mars but have found none that is in liquid form.

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