Market Leader, Intermediate, Practice file, Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S., 2000.
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Wal-Mart, the world’s biggest retailer, increased its net earnings by almost 18% during its 4th quarter to 31 January. This was due to a large increase in its international profits. In early trading on the New York Stock Exchange, the shares rose by a dollar.

Read the following conversation between the Sales Manager and General Manager of a top soft drinks company. They are discussing where to take the top sales representatives for their sales incentive holiday, paid for by the company. There are five mistakes in the use of comparatives. Find them and correct them.
I’m in favor of Tucson, Arizona. There’s lots to do. It’s an action-packed holiday. Horse-riding will appeal to the men and the women and the golf is great. Also, it’ll be more cheap for the company.
I hear what you’re saying, Susan, but I think Mauritius is more better for a number of reasons. We’re going in March. Mauritius will be hotter and dryer.
It’s more convenient. Although accommodation in Tucson is good, especially at the top-end of the market, quality accommodation in Mauritius is better. It’s a different culture. The food is more varied. The place is just exoticer. Admittedly it will be more expensive, but the perceived value and incentive to the sales reps will be more great.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Cotton :: Falvey :: Kent
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