In touch 3, Test Book, Newsome J., 2002.
Фрагмент из книги.
Write an article for the In Touch Website about someone interesting who used to go to your school. Describe the person and his/her family background.
Describe what they did that made them interesting. Write about where they are now and, if you know, what they want to do in the future.
Close your article with a paragraph about what everyone can learn from this person.

A Job like Mine.
I was watching the lion through my camera. It was coming towards me. It was probably about two metres away when I turned and walked slowly back to the Land Rover. I left the camera there, still filming. The lion smelt it, licked it and pushed it over. Those pictures made me famous. People said they were the best ever filmed!
My job is making films of wild animals. I can be sent anywhere in the world. There are people who say that my
job must be one long holiday. But getting up at three in the morning to catch the dawn light is not my idea of a holiday. And I am away from home for at least 200 days a year, so my friends have to care a lot about me.
I often wish I had more time to spend with them, to enjoy eating in good restaurants, to paint my flat, and other domestic things. But if I’m at home for just three days, I'm not going to spend them painting! Don’t get me wrong, however. I love my work, but I don’t want to be travelling like this forever.
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