Fly High 1, Teacher's Guide, Kozanoglou D., 2010.
Fly High is a motivating four-level course for young learners that integrates grammar and skills in a fun and engaging way.

Happy Christmas!
Look and listen.
Talk about the picture in Exercise 2. Ask the children: Who can you see? (Father Christmas, two boys and a girl). Ask them to point to the Christmas tree and the stocking (on the mantelpiece!. Ask: How many presents can you see? (Father Christmas has got three presents in his bag, and he is holding two more). Explain that the big present that he is giving to the children is a jigsaw puzzle. Ask them who they can see in the picture: Trumpet, Cabu and Paco in thejungle.
Introduction to the Teacher's Guide.
List of Flashcards.
1 In the jungle.
2 Colours (1).
3 Numbers 1-5.
4 In the classroom.
5 School things.
6 Classroom actions.
Jungle Fun 1.
7 Family.
8 Toys.
9 Colours (2).
10 Numbers 6-10.
Jungle Fun 2.
11 Face.
12 Pets.
13 Food.
14 Actions.
Jungle Fun 3.
Hoppy Christmas!.
Happy Easter!.
My Picture Dictionary (at the back of the Pupil's Book).
Word Cards.
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