Fly High 1, Pupil's Book, Kozanoglou D., 2010.
Fly High 1 offers an enjoyable introduction to English for children starting at the beginning of the school system. It aims to develop a positive attitude to English through motivating activities, songs and chants.

Listen and stick. Then sing.
Look! I can see two bags.
A yellow bag, an orange bag.
I can see a black bird.
I can see a white bird too!
Look! I can see two balls.
A big blue ball, a small red ball.
I can see a green fish.
I can see a pink fish too!
1 Inthejungle.
2 Colours (1).
3 Numbers 1-5.
4 In the classroom.
5 School things.
6 Classroom actions.
7 Family.
8 Toys.
9 Colours (2).
10 Numbers.
11 Face.
12 Pets.
13 Food.
14 Actions.
Hoppy Christmas!.
Happy Easter!.
My Picture Dictionary.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Kozanoglou
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