The Advanced Learners’ Grammar, Foley M., Hall D., 2003.
The Advanced Learners’ Grammar is a comprehensive advanced level grammar of the English language with cross-referenced practice exercises and a full set of diagnostic tests.

Reported speech.
When we report what we or other people have said or thought, we can use direct speech (reporting the exact words), but we usually use indirect speech. This unit looks at how we report statements, questions and commands, the variety of reporting verbs and how they are used.
When reporting speech in literature, authors often use direct speech - the exact words are between inverted commas. We do not use that to introduce direct speech:
He leaned towards her and whispered, ‘Be sure to lock your door tonight,'
The reporting verb (said, replied, etc.) can go before the speech in inverted commas, after the speech, or in the middle of it:
Lovett said, 'Houston, we have a problem.
‘Houston, we have a problem, ’ Lovett said.
'Houston, 'said Lovett/Lovett said, ‘we have a problem.
Diagnostic tests 1-36.
1 Present tenses.
2 Past tenses.
3 Past to present tenses.
4 The future (1).
5 The future (2).
6 Negation.
20 Confusing verbs.
21 Adjectives.
22 Comparison.
23 Gradable and ungradable adjectives.
24 Adverbs.
25 Nouns and noun phrases.
26 Possessives and compound nouns.
27 Pronouns.
28 Determiners.
29 Prepositions.
30 Word order and verb patterns.
31 Relative clauses.
32 Contrast.
33 Introductory there and it.
34 Emphatic structures and inversion.
35 Aspects of cohesion.
36 Features of discourse.
Key to diagnostic tests.
Key to practice exercises.
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