Headway 5th edition, Intermediate, Culture and Literature Companion, Teacher’s Guide, 2019

Headway 5th edition, Intermediate, Culture and Literature Companion, Teacher’s Guide, 2019.

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The text explains just how big the British Empire was, and how it has influenced the character of the countries it included, as well as Britain's. Many aspects of the British character can be better understood when remembering the enormous transition Britain experienced in the 20th century. In quite a short space of time, it went from being the leading world power to having to play a much smaller role in world politics.

Headway 5th edition, Intermediate, Culture and Literature Companion, Teacher’s Guide, 2019

The Globe Theatre.
Most towns in Britain, even fairly small ones, have their own theatre. Shakespeare's plays remain popular and are performed regularly all over the country. In many theatres, productions of the plays are often given a modern interpretation, but at the Globe Theatre they are performed as they would have been performed in Shakespeare's day, with props and special effects being recreated to give the genuine Elizabethan feel.

A lot of quotations from Shakespeare's plays, such as those at the end of the unit, have entered the English language as sayings and are often alluded to in writing.
The Puritans were strictly religious members of the Church of England, who saw many forms of enjoyment as'sinful'.

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