Headway 5th edition, Beginner, Elementary, Teacher’s Guide, Soars L., Soars J., Merifield S., 2019

Headway 5th edition, Beginner, Elementary, Teacher’s Guide, Soars L., Soars J., Merifield S., 2019.

   Welcome to Headway 5th edition. Headway and its award-winning authors are names that have become synonymous with English Language Teaching and learning. The 5th edition balances Headway’s world-renowned methodology with innovative and flexible new material. This Teacher’s Guide has been created for you, with all the lesson preparation, in-class support and resources you need to teach in today’s classroom.

Headway 5th edition, Beginner, Elementary, Teacher’s Guide, Soars L., Soars J., Merifield S., 2019

Nice to meet you!.
As you begin Headway 5th edition Elementary, you are probably starting a new course with a new group of students. The main aim of this first unit is that students get to know each other and you, and that you get to know them. This is reflected in the title - 'Nice to meet you!' Students practise greetings and expressions from everyday conversations, and there is a focus on giving, and asking for, personal information.

In addition, students are presented with essential elements of grammar, including am/is/are, common verbs have/go/live/like, possessive adjectives my/your/his/her and possessive's. Pronunciation is integrated throughout the unit, and advice is given on areas to focus on, and possible problems. Students are encouraged to make natural contractions as they speak, right from this first lesson.

Course overview.
What's new for the 5th edition?.
Why do teachers trust Headway?.
Student's Book contents.
Vocabulary acquisition.
Professional Development support.
Unit 1 Nice to meet you!.
Unit 2 Work and family life.
Unit 3 Time off.
Unit 4 House and home.
Unit 5 Super U!.
Unit б Lessons in life.
Unit 7 Remember when.
Unit 8 Love it or hate it!.
Unit 9 Life in the city.
Unit 10 What are you up to?.
Unit 11 Going for it!.
Unit 12 Have you ever...?.
Photocopiable activities.

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