This lesson gives more information about the plural forms of nouns, about focused subjects, modifiers, ordinal numbers, vowel alternations in verbs.

Laba wiil iyo haramcad.
Nuur ayaa ku jawaabay Nur replied to him, Nur answered him.
The preposition ku to inidcates the recipient of the answer, the person that receives the answer. With a number of abstract verbs the proposition ku is used, not u. Since Somali doesn’t have abject pronouns in the 3rd person, the preposition on its own indicates to him, to her or to them.
markii uu dhex marayo when he was passing the middle, when he was half way.
This is the progressive present subjunctive, but it is best translated into English with a past tense from. The reason that it is the present progressive is that this subclause is simulaneous with the main clause. Simultaneity is expressed in Somali by the present pro-gressive, but in English it is expressed through the same tense form as that of the main clause verb.
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Теги: учебник по сомалийскому языку :: сомалийский язык :: английский язык :: Nilsson
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