Beginner s somali workbook, Nilsson M., 2021

Beginner's somali workbook, Nilsson M., 2021.

Фрагмент из книги:
This first lesson is devoted to the Somali alphabet and the pronunciation of the Somali sounds. The pronunciation is demonstrated by proper names and loanwords.

Beginner's somali workbook, Nilsson M., 2021

Demonstrative -kii / -tii.
Besides the definite article ‒ka/‒ta and the two demonstrative pronouns and endings kan/tan and kaas/taas, Somali also has the demonstrative pronoun kii/tii which is used when one wants to point out that an object is not just definite, but that it is also expected to be known on beforehand by the interlocutors. The speaker assumes that the listener(s) should know about the thing that the noun refers to.

In English this can be accomplished by adding you know after the noun phrase in question.
Kuwani waa waalidkii carruurta.

In the above example it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are supposed to know those specific parents in person, but rather that you are expected to know the fact that it’s normal for children to have parents.

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