TOEFL Strategies, A Complete Guide to the iBT, Stirling B., 2016

TOEFL Strategies, A Complete Guide to the iBT, Stirling B., 2016.

   TOEFL is one of the most popular English language tests in the world. TOEFL itself means test of English as a foreign language. The TOEFL PBT (paper-based test) was the original TOEFL test. It was replaced by the TOEFL CBT (computer-based test), which was replaced by the TOEFL iBT (internet-based test). The three test scores are compared below.

TOEFL Strategies, A Complete Guide to the iBT, Stirling B., 2016

Reading - Global Warming - 3:00 minutes.
Are humans responsible for global warming? This is a contentious issue. But let's be clear: The increase in C02 in the atmosphere is not a result of man's burning of fossil fuels. To the contrary, the increase in C02 specifically, and greenhouse gases generally, is a direct result of the Earth naturally warming itself. Where then, you might ask, is all that C02 coming from if not from man? It is coming from carbon sinks. Simply put, a carbon sink is a place where carbon dioxide is naturally stored. The largest carbon sinks are the Arctic tundra and the oceans. As the Earth warms, carbon sinks release C02. To state otherwise is to ignore the fact that over the past 250,000 years, periods of global warming were a direct result of large amounts of CO2 being naturally released from carbon sinks.

In this debate, computer modeling is held up as evidence that global warming is a man-made phenomenon. Let's put this issue to rest as well. Yes, computers are capable of immense calculations. However, when it comes to predicting future climate patterns, computers fail repeatedly. Case in point: computers cannot accurately measure the global mean ocean surface temperature, or GMST. If scientists agree that measuring the GMST is the best indicator of climate change, and since we can't measure it, how can anyone state with any degree of certainty that man is responsible for global warming? Simple. They can't.

TOEFL Facts.
Task Order.
What does the TOEFL iBT measure?.
Topics - TOEFL is a Teaching Test.
Can I fail TOEFL?.
What TOEFL iBT score do I need?.
How important is TOEFL?.
What is the SAT?.
How do I register for TOEFL?.
How should I prepare for TOEFL?.
The TOEFL iBT is all Arguments.
Argument Mapping with G+3TiC=C.
TOEFL iBT Argument Chart.
WRITING SECTION - Building a Foundation.
What is an Argument?.
Your Passive and Active English Vocabularies.
Proficiency = Coherence.
Rhetorical Strategies.
What is a Reason?.
Starting an Argument - Subjective Thesis.
Subjective-Thesis Checklist.
Subjective Thesis - No Signal Phrase.
Subjective Thesis - Well-Developed.
Word Count - Topic Development.
OPDUL=C - Rating this Task.
Holistic vs. Analytical Rating Systems.
Rating an Independent Essay.
Developing the Introduction - Hooks.
Developing the Conclusion - Strategies.
G+3TiC=C + OPDUL=C - Formula + Proof.
Independent Essay - Step-by-Step.
Paired-Choice Prompts.
Single-Question Prompts.
Common Problems for this Task.
Predictor Thesis.
Thesis Development - Using Synonyms.
Sample Independent Essays - G+3TiC=C.
Agree-Disagree Essay.
Preference Essay.
Compare-Contrast Essay.
Advantage-Disadvantage Essay.
Advantage Essay.
Disadvantage Essay.
Reason Essay.
Quality Essay.
Contrarian Essay.
Writing Practice.
Reading and Lecture - Analysis.
Pro-Con Format.
Integrated Summary - Step-by-Step.
Listening Strategies!" How to Listen.
Writing - Point-by-Point Style.
Writing - Block Style.
OPDUL=C - Rating this Task.
Rating an Integrated Summary.
Common Problems for this Task.
Show-Support Writing Task.
Integrated-Writing Practice.
Calculating Your Writing-Section Score.
Tasks #1 + #2 - Independent Speaking.
G+3TiC=C - G+TiC=C.
Speaking Tasks #1 + #2 - Step-by-Step.
OPDUL=C - Rating this Task.
Introduction and Conclusion Strategies.
Develop Transitions (T).
How Long Should My Response Be?.
Common Problems for this Task.
Help– My Response is Too Long!.
Help– My Response is Too Short!.
Sample Responses.
Speaking Practice.
Task #3 - Integrated Speaking.
Speaking Task #3 - Step-by-Step.
OPDUL=C - Rating this Task.
How Long Should My Response Be?.
Common Problems for this Task.
Help- My Response is Too Long!.
Help- My Response is Too Short!.
Speaking Practice.
Task #4 - Integrated Speaking.
Speaking Task #4 - Step-by-Step.
OPDUL=C - Rating This Task.
How Long Should My Response Be?.
Common Problems for this Task.
Listening Section - All Arguments.
Conversation Prompts.
Office-Hours Conversation.
Introduction Analysis - Noting General Ideas.
Body Analysis - Noting Specific Ideas.
Conclusion Analysis - Noting General Ideas.
Rejoinders - Identifying Topic Transitions.
How to Listen - Visualize the Argument.
Sample Office-Hours Conversation - Questions.
1. Content Questions.
Practice: Content Questions.
2. Purpose Questions.
Practice: Purpose Questions.
3. Detail Questions: Single-Answer.
Practice: Single-Answer Detail Questions.
4. Detail Questions: Multi-Answer.
Practice: Multi-Answer Detail Questions.
5. Function Questions: Authentic-Speech Patterns.
a. Tone.
b. Hesitation.
c. Self-Correction.
d. Repetition.
e. Restatement.
f. Idioms.
g. Homophone Distractor.
Practice: Question-First Function Questions.
Practice: Segment-First Function Questions.
Fact Questions - Strategies.
Reading Strategies.
Scan for Question Signal-Words.
Skim for Question Signal-Words.
Skimming and Scanning.
Practice #1: Fact Questions.
Practice #2: Fact Questions.
Vocabulary Questions - Strategies.
Practice #1: Vocabulary Questions.
Practice #2: Vocabulary Questions.
Negative-Fact Questions - Strategies.
Practice #1: Negative-Fact Questions.
Practice #2: Negative-Fact Questions.
Inference Questions - Strategies.
Practice #1: Inference Questions.
Practice #2: Inference Questions.
Rhetorical-Purpose Questions - Strategies.
Practice #1: Rhetorical-Purpose Questions.
Practice #2: Rhetorical-Purpose Questions.
Reference Questions - Strategies.
Practice: Reference Questions.
Sentence-Simplification Questions - Strategies.
Practice #1: Sentence-Simplification Questions.
Practice #2: Sentence-Simplification Questions.
Sentence-Insertion Questions - Strategies.
Practice: Sentence-Insertion Questions.
Prose-Summary Questions - Strategies.
Practice #1: Prose-Summary Questions.
Practice #2: Prose-Summary Questions.
Complete-a-Table Questions - Strategies.
Practice #1: Complete-a-Table Questions.
Practice #2: Complete-a-Table Questions.
Scoring Multi-Answer Questions.
Independent Writing - Proficiency Checklist.
Independent Writing - Rating Guide.
Integrated Writing - Proficiency Checklist.
Integrated Writing - Rating Guide.
Independent Speaking - Proficiency Checklist.
Independent Speaking - Rating Guide.
Integrated Speaking - Proficiency Checklist.
Integrated Speaking - Rating Guide.
Typing Test.

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